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EANS-News: SHW AG: Total dividend of EUR 4.00 per share intended
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG reaches sales and earnings targets despite difficult market environment in Europe
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG generates sales at the upper end of the projected band width
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrAudi: around 1,455,100 deliveries in 2012
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Worldwide sales climb by 11.7 percent - Sales chief Luca de Meo: "New record highs in all regions of the world" - SUV models and A6 family the strongest growth drivers A new record-breaking year for AUDI AG: In 2012 the company sold around 1,455,100 premium automobiles worldwide, 11.7 percent more than in the previous year. The Ingolstadt-based carmaker thus clearly surpassed its annual target ...
mehrAUDI AG: prior-year sales total exceeded after 11 months (BILD)
EANS-News: Semperit AG Holding / Antitrust authorities approve the acquisition of Latexx Partners Berhad, Malaysia
company: Semperit AG Holding Modecenterstrasse 22 A-1030 Wien phone: +43 1 79 777-210 FAX: +43 1 79 777-602 mail: WWW: sector: Synthetics & Plastics ISIN: AT0000785555 indexes: WBI, ViDX, Prime Market stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, official market: Wien, stock market: ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG reports rising sales and earnings
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: Semperit already secured a 59.3% stake in Malaysian Latexx Partners
company: Semperit AG Holding Modecenterstrasse 22 A-1030 Wien phone: +43 1 79 777-230 FAX: +43 1 79 777-602 mail: WWW: sector: Synthetics & Plastics ISIN: AT0000785555 indexes: WBI, ViDX, Prime Market stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, official market: Wien, stock market: Stuttgart, Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrAUDI AG: double-digit sales growth continues in September
Ingolstadt (ots) - Around 136,600 deliveries worldwide - up 13.6 percent Sales Chief Luca de Meo: "Deliveries have reached one million mark after just nine months for first time" Continuing expansion in China, United States and Europe Audi sales figures continue to rise at a double-digit rate: In September the company delivered around 136,600 automobiles to customers worldwide. This represents an increase of 13.6 percent. ...
mehrEANS-Adhoc: Semperit AG Holding / Takeover of Malaysian Latexx Partners leads to next phase of global growth
issuer: Semperit AG Holding Modecenterstrasse 22 A-1030 Wien phone: +43 1 79 777-230 FAX: +43 1 79 777-602 mail: WWW: sector: Synthetics & Plastics ISIN: AT0000785555 indexes: WBI, ViDX, Prime Market stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, official market: Wien, stock market: ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG: One-off proceeds in the mid double-digit million range from sale of stake in Canadian STT
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
AUDI AG: continuing growth in Europe too
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Deliveries worldwide reach around 119,600 in July - up 12.9 percent - Audi boss Stadler: "We expect extra lift from new A3" - United States powerhouse of growth with 28 percent gain AUDI AG carried over the double-digit growth of the first half of 2012 into July, when the Company delivered some 119,600 automobiles worldwide, an increase of 12.9 percent. This strongest-ever July performance was boosted ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG confirms positive outlook for 2012
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrAudi Group generates first-half operating profit of E2.9 billion
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Deliveries target of more than 1.4 million for 2012 confirmed - CFO Axel Strotbek: "The high demand in the first half is a testament to the success of our model strategy." - New Audi A3 at dealers from end of August E25.0 billion revenue, an operating profit of E2.9 billion, and an 11.5 percent operating return on sales. These figures demonstrate how the Audi Group succeeded in adding yet another ...
mehrAudi City: The metropolis cyberstore opens its doors
Ingolstadt/London (ots) - - First digital Audi showroom opens in the centre of London - Sales chief Schwarzenbauer: "Visitors can expect a previously unheard-of level of personal customer service." - More than 20 locations in major international cities by 2015 Audi is preparing automotive retail for the future and complementing its dealer network with a new format - Audi City. The first location opens today in London ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG: Dividend of EUR 1.00 per share decided by Annual General Meeting
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrAUDI AG: North American growth region with significantly increased sales
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Sales chief Schwarzenbauer: "16th record month in a row in the United States" - Around 125,200 cars delivered worldwide in April, up 14.4 percent - Strong growth in Germany and France AUDI AG sustained its high growth rate from the first quarter in April, with around 125,200 cars delivered and a 14.4 percent increase over the prior-year month. ...
EANS-News: SHW AG reports successful start into the financial year 2012
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG: dividend payment of EUR 1.00 per share
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrThe Audi Group in the fiscal year 2011: new records for deliveries, revenue and profit (mit Bild)
Ein DokumentmehrEANS-News: SHW AG reports record figures for financial year 2011
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: free trade: Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG / Continuing strong growth for SHW AG
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt, free trade: Stuttgart, Düsseldorf language: English ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG reports strong growth in the first nine months of 2011
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt, free trade: Stuttgart, Düsseldorf language: English ...
Audi Q3 Trans China Tour 2011 successfully reaches finish line
Beijing (ots) - - 20 cars, 160 drivers and 5,700 kilometers in 16 stages - Participants experienced the many different faces of China - Versatile features of the Audi Q3 proved their mettle - China is the biggest market for Audi, with growing potential The Audi Q3 Trans China Tour 2011 has successfully reached the finish line. The 20 ...
mehrAudi sales volume up 17 percent in August
Ingolstadt (ots) - - About 94,100 cars delivered worldwide - Up 20.2 percent in Germany thanks to growing list of corporate customers - Sales Chief Schwarzenbauer: "Pre-orders for the new A6 Avant much higher than we expected" Growing demand in the world's biggest sales markets have presented AUDI AG with yet another record month. The company delivered 94,100 cars in August, around 17 percent more than during the same ...
mehrEANS-News: SHW AG / SHW AG on the road to further success in H1 2011
company: SHW AG Wilhelmstrasse 67 D-73433 Aalen-Wasseralfingen phone: +49 7361 502-1 FAX: +49 7361 502-674 mail: WWW: sector: Automotive Equipment ISIN: DE000A1JBPV9 indexes: stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt, free trade: Stuttgart, Düsseldorf language: English ...
mehrAudi Group: Record operating profit of EUR 2.5 billion in first-half of 2011
Ingolstadt (ots) - - EUR 21.5 billion revenue around 23 percent up on prior year - CEO Rupert Stadler: "We have continued the positive trend of last year with great success in the first half of 2011." - Strong growth with A1, A7 Sportback, A8 and Q-family - Board Member for Finance Strotbek: "We also intend to achieve a double-digit operating return on sales in the ...
mehrAUDI AG: Sales growth in every region
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Sales chief Schwarzenbauer: "We are clearly en route to our goal of selling 1.2 million automobiles this year" - Strong April in Germany with 22,204 vehicles sold - Particularly significant rates of growth worldwide in the luxury class - Cross-reference: Picture is available at - AUDI AG is continuing its strong sales growth: the Company sold ...
mehrBest first quarter for the Audi Group: Record deliveries and earnings
Ingolstadt (ots) - - Most successful first quarter ever: EUR 1,115 million in operating profit and 10.6 percent operating return on sales - CFO Axel Strotbek: "The 10.6 percent operating return on sales continues the good results from the third and fourth quarters of 2010." - The new Audi A6 and Audi Q3 will further boost demand The Audi Group has proven its ...