Diplomatic Council - Diplomatischer Rat
Ergebnis der Suchanfrage nach Transport
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PM: DHL beendet die Formula 1®-Saison 2023 mit der Verleihung der Preise für die schnellste Runde und den schnellsten Boxenstopp / PR: DHL concludes the 2023 Formula 1® season by presenting the awards for the fastest lap and pit stop
mehr Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnologie IPT
Pooling expertise: Fraunhofer IPT and Harro Höfliger cooperate in the manufacturing of ATMP production systems
mehrEuropean Parliament improves rules on packaging recyclability but takes a risky bet on recycled plastic content
mehrWith INA, Sopra Steria and Telefónica are propelling the telecommunications industry into the quantum era and revolutionising network management
Paris (ots/PRNewswire) - Sopra Steria, a major player in the European tech sector, working closely with Telefónica, is revolutionising network management and planning with the launch of the Intelligent Network Analyzer (INA). This digital twin solution shows how quantum technology can improve mobile service and ...
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Zleep Hotel opens in Prague
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge unter den Top drei der weltbesten Arbeitgeber / PR: DHL Express voted among the top three World's Best Workplaces™ for the fourth year running
mehrPM: Neue Unternehmensrichtlinie für umweltfreundlichen Transport schafft globalen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard für die Flotte von DHL Supply Chain / PR: DHL Supply Chain introduces Green Transport Policy to set a global sustainability standard for its tra
mehrHydrogen Near Tipping Point to Accelerate Decarbonization, New Research Shows
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PM: DHL Express eröffnet neues, erweitertes globales Drehkreuz in Hongkong und positioniert sich damit für die Erholung des Welthandels / PR: DHL Express opens newly expanded global hub in Hong Kong, firmly positions itself for global trade recovery
mehr Rohde & Schwarz closes challenging fiscal year successfully
Munich (ots) - Despite complex global challenges, Rohde & Schwarz has closed the 2022/2023 fiscal year successfully. For the first time in its 90-year history, the technology group topped the three billion euro mark for order intake. This shows that the group is well positioned in growth markets thanks to its focus on security and connectivity. Also in the reporting period, Rohde & Schwarz continued to invest ...
mehrPM: Spatenstich in Berlin-Marienfelde: DHL Freight plant nachhaltiges Terminal an der Buckower Chaussee / PR: Ground-breaking ceremony in Berlin: DHL Freight plans sustainable terminal near the inner city
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Hellmann continues expansion in the Baltic States
mehr PM: DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld / PR: DHL Group meets market expectations in Q3 2023 and proves financial strength in weak global environment
DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz liegt im dritten Quartal bei 19,4 Milliarden Euro - Operatives Ergebnis beläuft sich auf 1,4 Milliarden Euro - ...
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PM: DHL Supply Chain und Roboterhersteller AutoStore™ bauen Partnerschaft zur weltweiten Automatisierung von Warenlagern weiter aus / PR: DHL Supply Chain and robotics technology company AutoStore™ announce partnership expansion to further
mehr Global travel platform Omio becomes the first multi-modal transportation provider in the Nordics by adding Finish railway company VR to its portfolio
Berlin (ots) - Travelers can now seamlessly book tickets for VR operated trains at omio.com and in the Omio app to experience Finland’s stunning landscapes Customers globally have bought more than 40 million train, bus, ferry or flight tickets from German-based Omio Group, making it the world’s leading platform ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Smartbax nominated for Falling Walls award Start-up dedicated to developing new antibiotics • New approach against resistant pathogens • Agent damages protein transport and energy balance of bacteria • Two TUM spin-offs nominated for Science Breakthrough of the Year at Falling Walls Summit It all began with basic research: While conducting laboratory experiments, a team ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
Sustainability Awards of the Nobel Sustainability Trust and TUM presented for the first time
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Research on energy and climate change economy honored First Sustainability Awards supported by the Nobel Sustainability Trust presented - Sustainability award jointly with TUM - First prize winners are Elena Bou and Lord Nicholas Stern - Up to 1.3 million Swedish kronor awarded annualy For the first time, the Nobel ...
mehrStyria among the EU top 3 in green hydrogen: number of researchers increases by 50 percent, focus on industrial application
Graz (ots) - As predicted, the EU Green Deal has led to a high dynamic and concentration for industrial, grid-serving and mobile applications of hydrogen on the way to climate neutrality. And an enormous share of research into green hydrogen in this country is being carried out by companies such as AVL. Together ...
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PM: Logistik für e-Commerce – DHL Fulfillment Netzwerk schafft Platz für weitere Kunden mit neuem Lager in Euskirchen / PR: Logistics for e-commerce – DHL Fulfillment Network creates capacity for more customers with new warehouse in Euskirchen
mehr LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
LONGi Solar Modules Power Charging Hub for 180 Electric Vehicles at UK’s National Exhibition Centre
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PM: DHL Express und World Energy vereinbaren globale Partnerschaft zur Beschleunigung der Dekarbonisierung des Luftverkehrs durch Sustainable Aviation Fuel Certificates / PR: DHL Express and World Energy agree to global partnership to speed up aviati
mehr NTT DATA Business Solutions AG
3NTT DATA Business Solutions publishes first Sustainability Report
mehrPM: DHL Supply Chain investiert in Südostasien 350 Millionen Euro, um die Lieferketten der Kunden resilienter zu machen / PR: DHL Supply Chain commits EUR350 million in Southeast Asia to help strengthen customers’ supply chain resiliency
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PM: DHL erwirbt alle verbleibenden Anteile an Danzas AEI Emirates um seine Position als führender Logistikanbieter in den GCC-Märkten weiter zu stärken / PR: DHL to acquire all remaining shares in Danzas AEI Emirates to further strengthen its positio
2 Dokumentemehr Technische Universität München
Minimizing antibiotics usage: “The key starting point is animal health”
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Interview with Prof. Julia Steinhoff-Wagner on antibiotic resistance “The key starting point is animal health” - New research project at TUM addresses the minimization of antibiotics in poultry farming - Healthy animals are the most important precondition for reducing the administration of antibiotics - Transfer of ...
mehrPM: Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group / PR: Acquisition approved: Turkish parcel delivery provider MNG Kargo is now part of DHL Group
Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group - Mit Erhalt der behördlichen Genehmigung vollzieht DHL Group die Übernahme von MNG Kargo zum 5. Oktober - Die Integration wird unter der Führung von DHL ...
2 DokumentemehrPR: ISCC, Neste and DHL Group pilot new system for credible reporting of emission reductions in air travel and transport
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PM: KI-gestützte Computer Vision ist laut neuestem DHL Trend Report branchenprägende Technologie / PR: AI-driven computer vision has become an industry-shaping technology, finds latest DHL’s Trend Report
mehr PM: DHL Group startet GoTeach-Programm für Jugendliche in der Ukraine / PR: DHL Group starts GoTeach program in Ukraine