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- 22 Dokumentemehr
GREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Sustainable Bagging of Carbon Black for the Electromobility Revolution
mehrClimate neutrality for cars needs a holistic approach
Vienna (ots) - The near 1.5 billion liters of fossil fuels used daily worldwide must be replaced by carbon-neutral fuels by 2050 if we are to achieve the climate goals. More than 1,000 experts at the 44th International Motor Symposium in Vienna discussed the global strategies required to achieve these targets. The potential for producing renewable energy is particularly great in regions such as North Africa, the Middle ...
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PM: Triple: DHL Express sichert sich zum dritten Mal in Folge den Titel als bester Arbeitgeber Europas / PR: Triple: DHL Express secures top spot as Europe’s Best Workplace™ 2023 for third time in a row
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PM: „Green Postal Day“: Postunternehmen weltweit werden immer umweltfreundlicher / PR: Green Postal Day: Postal companies worldwide becoming increasingly environmentally friendly
mehr Technische Universität München
TUM gets new test field for networked mobility systems
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Bavarian government supports TUM with outdoor laboratory for automated and connected traffic New test field for connected mobility systems - Traffic research under laboratory conditions soon possible - Focus of the facility is on different research fields - State of Bavaria financially supports the project In the future the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will have its own ...
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Press release: APG|SGA and Media Frankfurt enter into a cross-border partnership
mehr PAKi Logistics opens sixth office in Italy and continues international growth
mehrPM: DHL reduziert die CO2-Emissionen für Formel-1-Fracht um durchschnittlich 83 Prozent / PR: DHL reduces Formula 1® cargo carbon emissions by an average of 83%
mehrPM: Global Volunteer Day: 1,3 Millionen Freiwillige der DHL Group engagieren sich in 15 Jahren / PR: Global Volunteer Day: 1.3 million DHL Group employees have engaged in the past 15 years
mehrMarijo Pesic becomes Director Product Management Rail Europe at Hellmann
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PRESS RELEASE: eROCKIT Impresses at ICNC23 with Cutting-Edge Technology and Plans for Expansion
Ein Dokumentmehr Hellmann pursues expansion in Italy and takes over long-standing partner company
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
2 Dokumentemehr The future of road freight transport is electric
Press release Freiburg/Berlin, 29 August 2023 The future of road freight transport is electric The availability of a broad-scale and well-performing charging network by 2035 offers potential to increase new registrations of battery electric trucks to 100 per cent. The key entry point for ensuring the market success of zero-emission drive technologies is ...
Ein DokumentmehrGreen Steel: RENK supplies special gearboxes for the production of “green steel”
mehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
9Water Activities in the Leipzig New Lakeland Area
Ein DokumentmehrPM: DHL Global Forwarding verzeichnet steigende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Transportlösungen / PR: DHL Global Forwarding records increasing demand for sustainable transport solutions
mehrPM: DHL Global Forwarding kündigt Führungswechsel im Luftfrachtgeschäft an / PR: DHL Global Forwarding Announces Leadership Changes in Air Freight Business
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CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
Ein Dokumentmehr LAMILUX Composites: Lightweights for dry freight trailers
Ein DokumentmehrPM: DHL Group behauptet sich in schwachem Marktumfeld und hebt unteres Ende der Konzern-EBIT-Prognose an / PR: DHL Group stands firm in a weak market environment and raises lower end of its Group EBIT guidance
6 DokumentemehrUpcoming Leadership change at Hellmann: With effect from August 2024 the Supervisory Board appoints Jens Drewes as CEO and successor of Reiner Heiken
mehrPM: Privatkunden können beim Versand ihrer DHL-Pakete und Päckchen in die USA sowie nach Australien und Israel ab sofort aktiv Treibhausgasemissionen vermeiden / PR: Private customers sending small packages and parcels from Germany to Australia, Isra
mehrTechnische Universität München
Hyperloop: Europe's first certified full scale test track opens
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Europe's first certified full scale Hyperloop test track opens TUM Hyperloop begins test operations - First trip in vacuum already successful - Focus at TUM Hyperloop on passenger operation - Test segment certified for passenger operation The first passenger trips are starting on the Technical University of Munich's (TUM) ...
mehrLAMILUX Composites protect packages and vehicles
Ein Dokumentmehr- 3
PM: DHL Group übernimmt den türkischen Paketdienstleister MNG Kargo / PR: DHL Group to acquire Turkish parcel delivery provider MNG Kargo
mehr LAMILUX Composites: Professional material for food transport
Ein DokumentmehrHannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH (HMTG)
236th Maschsee Lake Festival in Hannover: 19 days of enjoyment strolling by the waterside – free of charge, in the open air and once around the world!
mehrGREIF-VELOX Maschinenfabrik GmbH
2SAFEDyVac: Perfect bagging results thanks to perfectly coordinated containers and lines