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IntercityHotel brand comes to Rotterdam-Schiedam
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Global Forwarding kooperiert mit IAG Cargo, um Sustainable Aviation Fuel zu fördern / PR: DHL Global Forwarding Partners with IAG Cargo to Enable Sustainable Aviation Fuel
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Hellmann expands product portfolio in Switzerland and opens Direct Load location in Kloten
mehr XCHARGE showcases ultra-fast DC Charger C7 and revolutionary battery-integrated Net Zero Series
mehrGermany to Invest Billion-Plus in Environmental Trucking
Berlin (ots) - The German Ministry of Digital and Transportation is putting more than EUR one billion into climate-friendly transport vehicles. This additional money comes after the ministry received four times as many applications for support for projects in its 2022 round of funding compared compared with 2021. “The market for emissions-free transport vehicles has begun to take off,” said Digital and Transport ...
Belgian SaaS company Optimile is set to present its Charging as a Service (CaaS) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platforms at the highly anticipated Power2Drive event in Munich
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"My China Story of the Greater Bay Area" International New Media Products Competition Held in Zhongshan, Guangdong
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PM: „Get Airports Ready for Disaster“-Programm in Sarajevo / PR: Get Airports Ready for Disaster Program held in Sarajevo
2 Dokumentemehr PM: DHL unternimmt nächste Schritte in der grünen Logistik für die Formel 1® mit Einführung einer ersten Lkw-Flotte, die durch Biokraftstoff den CO2-Fußabdruck reduziert / PR: DHL takes green logistics to the next level with Formula 1® launching a
2 DokumentemehrHellmann acquires PKZ Group and establishes its own national company in Slovakia
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PM: DHL Supply Chain Global im Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ für Third-Party-Logistics als weltweit führend eingestuft / PR: DHL Supply Chain Global a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Third-Party Logistics, Worldwide
2 Dokumentemehr WebConnect: Provider of professional remote solutions for companies with a focus on security and data protection
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PR: LAMILUX Composites innovations at transport logistic
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Global Forwarding setzt auf Eisenbahnnetz der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate als zentrales Transportmittel / PR: DHL Global Forwarding to utilize the UAE National Rail Network as one of its primary modes of transportation for its operations
2 DokumentemehrHellmann: Natasha Solano-Vesela appointed Global Airfreight Director Perishables
mehrAmbient ultrafine particles – very small and very dangerous?
A new study conducted by Helmholtz Munich researchers reveals that ultrafine particles, representing the smallest size fraction of particulate air pollution, might be more dangerous to human health than larger particles. These findings add to the growing body of evidence that it may be insufficient to focus on larger particle concentrations and gases when assessing public health risks. It was now published in the ...
POLYTECHNIK supplies technology for the largest industrial torrefaction plant in Europe
Weißenbach (ots) - Finnish company Joensuu Biocoal Oy will use innovative technology from Austria to produce renewable alternatives to fossil coal. The pioneering project demonstrates a potential solution to the industrial push towards carbon neutrality, helping to reduce the environmental impact caused by fossil fuels while providing a renewable energy source. ...
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PM: Digitale Plattform myDHLi von DGF hilft mittlerweile über 16.000 Kunden ihre Logistik auch in unsicheren Zeiten zu meistern / PR: Over 16,000 customers enabled to tackle uncertainties in logistics through DGF’s digital platform myDHLi
2 Dokumentemehr PM: DHL Express führt GoGreen Plus Option für sein Luftfrachtprodukt ein / PR: DHL Express launches GoGreen Plus option for its air cargo product
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PM: Aktionäre der Deutsche Post AG beschließen Erhöhung der Dividende / PR: Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend increase
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Yanis Varoufakis and MERA25 Bremen’s Jan Genin talk international solidarity at event in German city
Ein Dokumentmehr Hellmann achieves another record result in 2022
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Smart Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) Technologies and Materials Defossilise the Economy
Ein Dokumentmehr TÜV Rheinland acquires part of ABB’s Energy Industries division
mehrPM: DHL Global Forwarding und Turkish Cargo unterzeichnen Memorandum of Understanding / PR: DHL Global Forwarding and Turkish Cargo sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen their cooperation
2 DokumentemehrPM: Deutschland hat das viertgünstigste Briefporto in Europa / PR: Germany has the fourth-lowest letter postage rate in Europe
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PM: Den Worten Taten folgen lassen: DHL stellt auf dem ersten globalen Gipfel der Branche Meilensteine der Nachhaltigkeit und ein neues Tool vor / PR: Putting words into action: DHL unveils sustainability milestones and a new tool at industry-first g
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New measurement method: Cleaner traffic thanks to Big Data