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Obrist Group: Methanol as the Ideal Fossil Fuel Replacement for Key Industries
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Hellmann helps supports voluntary engagement
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PM: DHL Group, ITF und UNI übernehmen neues OECD-Protokoll und initiieren erstmals jährliche regionale Dialogtreffen / PR: DHL Group, ITF and UNI adopt new OECD Protocol and initiate annual regional dialogue meetings for the first time
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The Future of Nutrition: Dr. Clemens Röhrl on Regional Plant Research and Its Importance for Health and the Environment
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PM: Mit Rekordtempo in die 11. Saison: DHL integriert den Hochleistungs-Rennwagen GEN3 Evo in seine Logistik für die Formel E / PR: Accelerating into Season 11: DHL integrates the groundbreaking GEN3 Evo race car into its Formula E logistics
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PM: Nachhaltigkeit bleibt oberste Priorität: DHL Express veröffentlicht Global Sustainability Survey 2024 / PR: Sustainability remains top priority: DHL Express launches Global Sustainability Survey 2024
mehr Frank Obrist at COP29: "Our DAC concept fits perfectly with global emissions trading"
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PM: DHL und Allegro gehen strategische Zusammenarbeit für Zustellservices in Polen ein / PR: DHL and Allegro enter strategic cooperation for delivery services in Poland
2 Dokumentemehr Technische Universität München
New method for designing artificial proteins
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Designing large new proteins with AI New method for designing artificial proteins - Efficient design of new proteins with desired properties - Size of newly designed proteins is approaching that of antibodies - Predicted protein structures successfully validated in experiments Protein design aims to create customized antibodies for therapies, biosensors for diagnostics, or ...
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PM: DHL Express und Shell unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zur Förderung nachhaltiger Luftfracht am Flughafen Brüssel / PR: DHL Express and Shell sign deal to drive sustainable air freight at Brussels airport
mehr PM: Globalisierung bleibt auf Rekordniveau, trotz geopolitischer Spannungen und Unsicherheit / PR: Globalization remains at a record level, despite geopolitical tensions and uncertainties
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Hellmann advances innovation with AI-RobotX MEA and Geekplus to enhance eCommerce fulfillment operations
mehr PM: DHL Express auf Platz 1 unter den World's Best Workplaces™ / PR: DHL Express in first place among the World’s Best Workplaces™
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DHL und Lindt & Sprüngli versüßen ihre Zusammenarbeit in der Seefracht mit Einsatz von nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen / DHL Global Forwarding and Lindt & Sprüngli sweeten the deal for the usage of waste- and residues-based maritime fuel for ocean freight
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Hellmann launches next growth phase with new global leadership structure
mehr PM: DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur / PR: DHL Group again posts significant revenue growth in the third quarter despite persistently muted macro dynamics
DHL Group erzielt im dritten Quartal wieder deutliches Umsatzwachstum trotz anhaltend schwacher Weltkonjunktur - Konzernumsatz im dritten Quartal 2024 mit 20,6 Milliarden Euro um 6,2 Prozent über dem Vergleichszeitraum (Q3 2023: 19,4 Milliarden ...
4 Dokumentemehr- 2
Hellmann: Enrico Farneti appointed Managing Director of Hellmann Italy
Bravura to build large-scale lithium processing plant in Germany to provide lithium hydroxide to German automotive OEMs and suppliers from 2027
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (ots) - - Leading African mining group Bravura, sister entity to Africa’s largest indigenous oil and gas producer AITEO, to build large scale lithium processing plant in Germany by 2027. - Final site location in Germany to be determined in early 2025. - Lithium hydroxide, an essential ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
Significant Extension of Zinc Battery Lifespan
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM Researchers Develop New Chemical Method for Improved Energy Storage Significant Extension of Zinc Battery Lifespan - Improvement to several hundred thousand charge cycles - Protective layer for zinc anode - Important result in basic research - Large-scale engineering implementation still pending The transition to renewable energy requires efficient methods for storing large ...
mehr5GAA: Berlin Technology Demonstrations Highlight Life-Saving Potential of Latest Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything Tech
Berlin (ots/PRNewswire) - The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) last week demonstrated the latest innovations in the Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) technology family to help achieve "Vision Zero" for all road users. The demonstrations illustrated the potential of 5G-V2X to enable new use cases integrated ...
mehrPM: DHL Express Leitfaden unterstützt kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) bei globaler Expansion / PR: DHL Express report provides guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on expanding to global markets
Ein DokumentmehrPM: DHL Supply Chain nutzt generative KI zur Verbesserung von Datenmanagement, Kundensupport und Angebotsgenauigkeit / PR: DHL Supply Chain implements Generative AI to enhance data management, customer support and proposal accuracy
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PM: DHL beleuchtet Zukunftstrends in der Automobilindustrie und deren Auswirkungen auf die Logistik / PR: DHL highlights future trends in the automotive industry and their impact on logistics
PM: DHL und IAG Cargo erneuern Partnerschaft für nachhaltige Luftfracht / PR: DHL and IAG Cargo solidify partnership to drive sustainable air freight
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PM: Was treibt social, sustainable und cross-border Shopper an / PR: What drives social, sustainable, and cross-border shoppers
2 Dokumentemehr Obrist Group: Modern Forest is 30 Times Better for the Climate Than Traditional Forests
mehrPM: DHL erweitert sein Angebot an Kontraktlogistikdienstleistungen in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach spezialisierten End-to-End-Supply-Chain-Services gerecht zu werden / PR: DHL expands contract logistics portfo
mehrEpitomee Medical to Present the Epitomee Breakthrough Oral Delivery Platform at PODD 2024 Conference
Caesarea, Israel (ots/PRNewswire) - Epitomee Medical Ltd. (TASE: EPIT) announces today that the company leadership intends to present Epitomee's Oral Delivery of Biologics Platform at the 14th Annual PODD Conference - Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery, taking place in Boston, MA, October 28-29, 2024. ...
mehrPM: DHL Express zum vierten Mal in Folge als bester Arbeitgeber in Europa ausgezeichnet / PR: DHL Express named #1 Best Company to Work for in Europe for the fourth year in a row