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CLAAS and Hellmann expand strategic cooperation
mehr HDI TH!NX makes battery reliability insurable on the basis of ACCURE battery analytics
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PRESS RELEASE: cellcentric and MAHLE cooperate in the supply of fuel cell components
mehr World EV Day: Aiways U6 SUV-Coupé makes its debut
mehrTechnische Universität München
New findings for TUM study on the 9 Euro Ticket
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510- email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de/en/ This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/en/news-and-events/all-news/press-releases/details/knapp-ueber-50-euro-fuer-nachfolger-ticket-akzeptabel NEWS RELEASE A little over 50 euros acceptable for 9 Euro Ticket successor New findings for TUM study on the 9 Euro Ticket The experimental "9 Euro ...
EDEN - European Destinations of Excellence
The People’s Climate Festival in Middelfart
Brussels (ots BrusselsBrussels) - The People’s Climate Festival (Klimafolkemødet) is an annual event held in Middelfart (Denmark), the European Destination of Excellence 2022, that brings together citizens, stakeholders, and politicians with the express goal of finding a common solution to climate change. On 1 – 3 September 2022 the People’s Climate Festival, or Klimafolkemødet will be held in Middelfart ...
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mehr NTT DATA Business Solutions AG
NTT DATA acquires a stake in the Natuvion Group and expands its SAP S/4HANA transformation expertise
mehrLargest International Climate Platform of foundations and philanthropic organisations presents new report on renewable energy potential of the G20
With wind and solar as the two primary sources of renewable energy, the Foundations Platform F20 today calls upon the G20 Heads of State to agree upon an ...
Ein DokumentmehrPress Release SGL Carbon: SGL Carbon remains on track
2 DokumentemehrPTV Planung Transport Verkehr GmbH
PTV Group launches PTV Model2Go to automize the building of transportation models
Karlsruhe, Germany (ots) - - Basic supply model for any city within a week - A revolution in urban and transportation modeling - Cloud-based process combines smart automation technology with data sources, e.g. from Here, TomTom, OpenStreetMap, GTFS - Model-based decision-making now viable even for small projects PTV Group, the market leader for mobility software, ...
Körber acquires enVista’s omnichannel and global freight audit and payment services
Hamburg (ots) - Körber, an international technology group, has signed an agreement to purchase enVista’s platform of Enspire Commerce™ omnichannel solutions, including its order management system (OMS), and its freight audit and payment (FAP) service. enVista’s capabilities expand Körber’s portfolio to enable businesses to deliver upon ever-increasing ...
mehrUnlimited freedom: Aiways U5 SUV becomes a sustainable microcamper with roof tent
mehrBVG Trials ACCURE’s Battery Safety Monitoring System on Electric Buses
mehrNew Standard for in-flight Beverage Catering saves Tons of CO2
mehrFREYLIT Umwelttechnik: WORLD FIRST for clean water
mehrNew Report Details How to Reduce Carbon Emissions by 22% in Global Supply Chain by Adopting a Freight Data Exchange Standard
LONDON (ots) - --News Direct-- The Coalition for Reimagined Mobility (ReMo), a global initiative created to shape policy and ideas for more equitable and sustainable movement of people and goods around the world, today released a report that details the impact of freight sector data sharing to improve the ...
Hellmann acquires overnight express specialist "OptimNet" in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
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Flying green: Revolutionary beverage catering saves millions of euros and tons of waste
mehr SGL Carbon / Ad hoc notification: SGL Carbon raises sales and earnings guidance for 2022
Ein Dokumentmehr- 4
bk World – The service station of the future has opened in Endsee, Germany
mehr Technische Universität München
Heat-lovers are the lucky ones - Researchers show population trends of native insects
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/37449 High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1660497 NEWS RELEASE Heat-lovers are the lucky ones: Insects and climate change 40 years of conservation ...
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KUBIKx and Ninepointfive invest 3 Million Euros in new communications service for dispatchers
On course for growth: Sedus Stoll Group ends the 2021 financial year on a clear positive note
Dogern, Germany (ots/PRNewswire) - With a turnover of EUR 195.9 million, the Sedus Stoll Group was able to record sales gains of 6.5% in the 2021 financial year. Despite the continuing challenges of COVID-19 and extraordinary cost increases in the energy, transport and material sectors, the Group's net profit for the year was EUR 2.6 million. The Sedus Stoll Group ...
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On course for growth: Sedus Stoll Group ends the 2021 financial year on a clear positive note
mehr Helaba refinances ”Quartier 205“ for Tishman Speyer in Berlin
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Die Hyperloop Bremse „Bellow rail brake“ gewinnt die 3D Pioneers Challenge 2022
Ein Dokumentmehr Hellmann achieves annual revenue of over EUR 4 billion for the first time
mehrNeural Propulsion Systems, Inc
Peter Löscher, Former Siemens CEO, Joins NPS Team as Investor and Executive Advisor
Pleasanton, California / Munich (ots) - One of the most experienced European Business Executives actively supports NPS with his industry knowledge and as investor in order to deliver the World's First Zero Accidents Autonomous Driving Sensing Platform Neural Propulsion Systems (NPS), a pioneer in autonomous sensing platforms, today announced that Peter Löscher, former ...