dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
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428 Treffer
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BLOGPOST: Distributing press releases successfully
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
dpa strengthens tech coverage from the US
mehrEurope at your table, with olives from Spain
The Benefits of Eating European Olives Daily as Part of the Mediterranean Diet / Eating 7 olives per day is recommended together with a balanced diet
mehrFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
2Fraunhofer IAF presents outstanding results of MMIC research and development
mehrPM: Global Volunteer Day: 1,3 Millionen Freiwillige der DHL Group engagieren sich in 15 Jahren / PR: Global Volunteer Day: 1.3 million DHL Group employees have engaged in the past 15 years
Automotive companies at the crossroads: Turning software-defined vehicles from hype to value driver
mehr- 8
Hole-in-one between desert and sea
Ein Dokumentmehr - 2
SYNERGISE: Novel Toolkit for Improved Management of Natural and Man-Made Disasters
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
2 Dokumentemehr Leading European model agency launches luxury skincare brand
mehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
9Water Activities in the Leipzig New Lakeland Area
Ein Dokumentmehr
Krombacher Brauerei GmbH & Co.
2Wacken Open Air 2023: Krombacher celebrates memorable festival with metal fans - and sets new world record
mehr- 3
CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Group behauptet sich in schwachem Marktumfeld und hebt unteres Ende der Konzern-EBIT-Prognose an / PR: DHL Group stands firm in a weak market environment and raises lower end of its Group EBIT guidance
6 DokumentemehrEinladung: Digitales Pressegespräch zu den Q2 2023 Ergebnissen von DHL Group am 1. August 2023 / Invitation: Digital Media Call on Q2 2023 Results of DHL Group on August 1, 2023
Ein Dokumentmehr- 4
Shaping the sustainable fibre future with cellulose fibres – Abstract submissions open for the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024
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No Sustainable Future Without Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – Why We Need Much More Political Recognition and Support for CCU
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- 3
IntercityHotel opens in Karlsruhe
Ein Dokumentmehr - 4
Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts brand coming to Bielefeld
Ein Dokumentmehr dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Astrid Maier strengthens dpa editorial board as strategy boss
mehr- 3
New leadership appointments at H World and Deutsche Hospitality
Ein Dokumentmehr Europe at your table, with olives from Spain
European Olives prove to be a fan favorite in the United States at ‘Summer Fancy Food’
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Sven Thölen of RADIO NRW elected as new member of the dpa Supervisory Board
Discover European Cheestories with Cheeses from Spain
11European cheeses "shine" in New York / InLac takes a giant step forward in internationalization with an ambitious promotional campaign in the US
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Financial results 2022: dpa group remains on a growth path
mehr- 2
Attractive mobility: SIXT and H Rewards launch partnership
Ein Dokumentmehr - 3
PM: DHL Express baut neues Gateway in Helsinki / PR: DHL Express to build new gateway facility in Helsinki
mehr - 2
IntercityHotel brand comes to Rotterdam-Schiedam
Ein Dokumentmehr EA Elektro-Automatik GmbH & Co. KG
EA Elektro-Automatik announces High-Power, High-Efficiency Triple Output Battery Testing Devices / Test, simulate, and recycle battery packs with voltages up to 920 V and power capacity to 30 kW