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Europe's future threatened beyond far-right surge, says new report
mehr CIVIS Media Prize 2024 | eight programmes honoured
Berlin (ots) - The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2024 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the social media format STRG_F: Israel and Gaza: Life between terror and war (NDR | funk) by authors Manuel Biallas, Armin Ghassim, Lisa Hagen, Mariam Noori, Timo Robben, Sulaiman Tadmory. The film depicts the fate of two young people ...
mehrNew report warns that eroding faith in democracy fuels Europe's far-right surge
mehrCybersecurity: Self-attack is the best Defence
Cybersecurity: Self-attack is the best Defence Security expert: "Companies should regularly attack themselves to test their cyber resilience.” Rainer M. Richter: "Today's autonomous penetration testing solutions from the cloud are affordable for every medium-sized company." With the surge of cyber threats in 2023, European companies must seek proactive solutions to confront their system security challenges. Frankfurt ...
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The Governance Triangle: 'Democracy does not exist in a vacuum'
Technische Universität München
GARMI care robot becomes a universal assistant
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE From skill sets to an overall concept GARMI care robot becomes a universal assistant - At the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2024) in Yokohama, Japan, geriatronics researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will present four new research projects - including work on gripping objects and new safety functionalities. - For the first time, ...
mehrGovernance researchers ask: 'Can we still call India a democracy?'
mehrUS governance decline: 'Democracies rarely implode quickly'
mehrTunisian governance 'backsliding' as Arab Spring gains prove fleeting
mehrMost of the world is living under eroding democratic accountability
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Researcher: World facing era 'where democracy is on the defensive'
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Report: Most people live where democratic accountability is eroding
mehr Researchers find 'democracy challenged' in global governance rankings
mehrPM: DHL Group startet solide in das Jahr 2024 / PR: DHL Group gets off to a solid start in 2024
DHL Group startet solide in das Jahr 2024 - Konzernumsatz im ersten Quartal 2024 mit EUR 20,3 Milliarden Euro nahezu stabil (Q1 2023: 20,9 Milliarden Euro) - Operatives Ergebnis (EBIT) mit 1,3 Milliarden Euro wie erwartet unter Vorjahresniveau (Q1 2023: 1,6 Milliarden Euro), aber über ...
4 Dokumentemehr- 2
PM: Aktionäre der Deutsche Post AG beschließen Dividende auf Vorjahresniveau; Vorstand kündigt Einziehung von Aktien an / PR: Deutsche Post AG shareholders approve dividend at previous year’s level; Board of Management announces withdrawal of shares
2 Dokumentemehr LAUDA DR. R. WOBSER GMBH & CO. KG
4Press Release: analytica 2024 – LAUDA achieves positive result
Press Release: LAUDA promotes sustainable mobility
mehr Unveils Rapid Response Service for Cyber Resilience Unveils Rapid Response Service for Cyber Resilience Empowering Organizations to Preemptively Address and Prioritize Confirmed Exploitable Vulnerabilities SAN FRANCISCO, May 2, 2024 –, a pioneer in autonomous security solutions, today announced the launch of its Rapid Response service, now part of the NodeZero™ platform. This one-of-a-kind capability marks a significant advancement in ...
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Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
mehr Report: BRICS+ likely new counterpoint to G7-led geopolitical order
mehrBRICS expansion brings geopolitical challenges to G7, report finds
mehrSahel elites must move away from 'zero-sum' policies, report urges
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Sahel elites must move away from 'zero-sum' policies, report urges
Sahel nations can build more resilient institutions, report says
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Ein Dokumentmehr Mediawan announces combination with LEONINE, one of the largest independent studios in the German-speaking market
mehr$10 million Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize appoints further advisory committee members
London (ots/PRNewswire) - D. Sculley, Kevin Buzzard, Leo de Moura, Lester Mackey and Peter J. Liu appointed to the advisory committee for the Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize. XTX Markets' newly created Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Olympiad Prize ('AIMO Prize') is a $10mn challenge fund ...
mehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
3Sustainability in Leipzig’s Conference Hotels
Ein DokumentmehrAston Martin Lagonda of Europe GmbH