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E-Project at Frankfurt Airport Using Charging Infrastructure Bidirectionally
Ein Dokumentmehr- 2
Deutsche Hospitality grows in Switzerland
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Supply Chain investiert in Südostasien 350 Millionen Euro, um die Lieferketten der Kunden resilienter zu machen / PR: DHL Supply Chain commits EUR350 million in Southeast Asia to help strengthen customers’ supply chain resiliency
mehrBörsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels
Tonio Schachinger receives the German Book Prize 2023 for “Echtzeitalter”
Frankfurt am Main (Fra) - Tonio Schachinger has won the German Book Prize for his novel “Echtzeitalter” (“Realtimes”) (Rowohlt Verlag). Statement from the jury: “At first glance, Tonio Schachinger’s ‘Echtzeitalter’ is a school story. At second glance, it is much more than that: a social novel that describes its hero Till’s coming-of-age at an elite ...
mehrARTE expands its European partner network / The Channel signs a partnership agreement with Latvian public service broadcaster Latvijas Televīzija – LTV
Strasbourg (ots) - ARTE continues to consolidate its European strategy. Following on from Spanish public broadcaster RTVE and Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT, who signed up in 2022, Latvian broadcaster LTV is now set to join ARTE’s network of European partners in October 2023 – a network that also includes ...
Interpreting Large-Scale Medical Datasets: ScPoli Enables Multi-Scale Representations of Cells and Samples
The increasing amount of data recorded in medical research can only lead to scientific breakthroughs and essential therapies for patients if interpreted and analyzed correctly. Computer scientists at Helmholtz Munich developed a generative model named scPoli (single-cell population level integration), that performs ...
mehr- 2
PM: KI-gestützte Computer Vision ist laut neuestem DHL Trend Report branchenprägende Technologie / PR: AI-driven computer vision has become an industry-shaping technology, finds latest DHL’s Trend Report
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Catalysing Change – Smart CO₂-Solutions Wanted for the “Best CO₂ Utilisation 2024” Innovation Award
Ein Dokumentmehr dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2dpa publishes first sustainability report - mobility biggest source of CO2
mehrBLOGPOST: Distributing press releases successfully
mehrdpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
dpa strengthens tech coverage from the US
Europe at your table, with olives from Spain
The Benefits of Eating European Olives Daily as Part of the Mediterranean Diet / Eating 7 olives per day is recommended together with a balanced diet
mehrFraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik IAF
2Fraunhofer IAF presents outstanding results of MMIC research and development
mehrPM: Global Volunteer Day: 1,3 Millionen Freiwillige der DHL Group engagieren sich in 15 Jahren / PR: Global Volunteer Day: 1.3 million DHL Group employees have engaged in the past 15 years
mehrAutomotive companies at the crossroads: Turning software-defined vehicles from hype to value driver
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Hole-in-one between desert and sea
Ein Dokumentmehr - 2
SYNERGISE: Novel Toolkit for Improved Management of Natural and Man-Made Disasters
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
2 Dokumentemehr Leading European model agency launches luxury skincare brand
mehrLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
9Water Activities in the Leipzig New Lakeland Area
Ein DokumentmehrKrombacher Brauerei GmbH & Co.
2Wacken Open Air 2023: Krombacher celebrates memorable festival with metal fans - and sets new world record
mehr- 3
CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Call for Abstracts and Posters
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Group behauptet sich in schwachem Marktumfeld und hebt unteres Ende der Konzern-EBIT-Prognose an / PR: DHL Group stands firm in a weak market environment and raises lower end of its Group EBIT guidance
6 Dokumentemehr
Einladung: Digitales Pressegespräch zu den Q2 2023 Ergebnissen von DHL Group am 1. August 2023 / Invitation: Digital Media Call on Q2 2023 Results of DHL Group on August 1, 2023
Ein Dokumentmehr- 4
Shaping the sustainable fibre future with cellulose fibres – Abstract submissions open for the Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024
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No Sustainable Future Without Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) – Why We Need Much More Political Recognition and Support for CCU
Ein Dokumentmehr - 3
IntercityHotel opens in Karlsruhe
Ein Dokumentmehr - 4
Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts brand coming to Bielefeld
Ein Dokumentmehr Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS)
Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient
Press Release Data Analysis Digital-Intensive Industries Not Always More Resilient It is widely assumed that digitalisation improves the capacity of companies and sectors to cope with crises. But is it the case that digital intensive sectors proved more resilient during the Covid-19 crisis? Researchers from the Research Institute for Sustainability (RIFS) investigated this by analysing data relating to various ...