POL-PPWP: Have you locked your car?
Kaiserslautern / Landstuhl (ots)
Under this principle, both of the Kaiserslautern and the Landstuhl police stations conducted a special operation on the subject of thefts out of unlocked vehicles on 14 November 2024.
During lunchtime, the police forces ran an information booth at the Wasgau grocery store in Otterbach, where numerous safety advisories were given out to the public. Many citizens showed a great interest in the offer.
During the evening, police forces thourougly checked whether cars were left unlocked on the roadside or in driveways. The joint patrols were conducted in conjunction with forces from the US Army Military Police and US Air Force Security Forces.
A total of 110 unlocked vehicles were detected on Thursday evening. In almost all cases, it was possible to establish contact with the owners of the vehicles. In most cases, the owners appreciated the fact, that the wallet or tablet ended up in the hands of the police and was not stolen by a thief.
In two cases, it was not possible to contact the person responsible. Furthermore, on one occasion, they seized valuable tools from an unlocked car to protect them from potential theft.
This special police operation raised a lot of awareness. The police was able to give out safety advisories to approximately 200 people.
The following still applies: Do not leave valuables in your vehicle and always lock it!|smü/kfa
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Polizeipräsidium Westpfalz
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