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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)

GBA: Arrest of Eight Suspected Members of a Right-Wing Extremist Terrorist Organisation

Karlsruhe (ots)

Early this morning (5 November 2024), the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office had the German nationals

Kurt H.

Karl K. Kevin M. Hans-Georg P. Kevin R. Jörg S. Jörn S. and Norman T.

taken into custody in execution of arrest warrants issued by the Investigating Judge at the Federal Court of Justice. The arrests occurred in various locations in and around Leipzig, in Dresden, in a location in Meißen County as well as - in the case of Jörg S. - in Zgorzelec (Poland). Approximately 20 premises are currently being searched in execution of court-ordered warrants. These measures are also targeting another seven suspects. Furthermore, the premises of non-suspected individuals, among which in Vienna and in Krems-Land District (Austria), are being searched.

The arrested individuals are strongly suspected of participation as members in a domestic terrorist organisation (section 129a para. 1 no. 1 of the German Criminal Code); with Karl K. and Jörn S. having partially acted as minors and adolescents, Kevin M. and Norman T. as adolescents (section 1 paras. 1 and 2, section 3, section 105 of the Minors Courts Act). Jörg S. is suspected of acting as ringleader (section 129a para. 4 of the German Criminal Code).

Essentially, the arrest warrants set out the following allegations:

The suspects are part of an organisation, which was formed no later than November 2020 and baptised "Sächsische Separatisten" (in English: "Saxonian Separatists"). It is a militant group of 15 to 20 individuals whose ideology is characterised by racist, anti-Semitic and partially apocalyptic ideas. Its members are united in a profound rejection of the liberal democratic basic order of the Federal Republic of Germany. The organisation believes beyond doubt that Germany is nearing "collapse" and that the government and society will implode on "Day X", the date of which has however not been specified yet. On that occasion, the group intends to gain control over certain areas in Saxony and potentially in other East German states - namely by force of arms - to establish governmental and societal structures inspired by National Socialism. If necessary, unwanted groups of people are supposed to be removed from the area by means of ethnic cleansing.

At least Jörg S., Jörn S., Karl K. and Norman T. are believed to be the founding members of the "Saxonian Separatists". Kurt H. and Hans-Georg P. joined no later than August 2022. In 2023, Kevin R. and Kevin M. followed suit. Since its inception, the organisation made continuous preparations for the perceived inevitable and violent change of government. To this end, the members - including all of the arrested suspects - repeatedly completed paramilitary training in combat gear. Accordingly, they practised specifically urban warfare, firearms handling, nocturnal and loaded marching as well as patrolling. Moreover, the group procured military hardware, such as camouflage fatigues, combat helmets, gas masks and bullet-proof vests.

The suspects not arrested allegedly were members or - in one case - supporters of the terrorist organisation.

The investigation has been conducted in close collaboration with the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, with support of the Saxonian State Criminal Police. More than 450 security and law enforcement personnel of the Federal Criminal Police Office as well as special forces of the Federal Police and the Saxonian State Criminal Police have been deployed. The operation in Austria is being conducted by the Austrian Directorate of State Security and Intelligence, the one in Poland by the Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego.

The arrestees are due to be brought before the Investigating Judge at the Federal Court of Justice today and tomorrow (5 and 6 November 2024) who will be reading out the arrests warrants to them and deciding on the enforcement of pre-trial detention.

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Der Generalbundesanwalt beim Bundesgerichtshof (GBA)
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Telefon: 0721 8191-4100
Fax: 0721 8191-8492

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