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  • 09.11.2021 – 10:08

    CSG CMCO Liz Bauer Joins the TM Forum Diversity & Inclusion Council

    London (ots) - --News Direct-- LONDON, November 9, 2021 – CSG® (NASDAQ: CSGS) today announced Liz Bauer, chief marketing & customer officer, is joining the TM Forum’s Diversity & Inclusion Council, which is a global collaboration project that aims to make the telecommunications industry the most diverse and inclusive in the world. Achieving this goal will help ...

  • 05.11.2021 – 10:08

    CSG Wins Visionary Impact Honour at TM Forum Catalyst Awards

    London (ots) - --News Direct-- LONDON, November 5, 2021 – CSG® (NASDAQ: CSGS) today announced that it was selected as a winner in the 2021 TM Forum Catalyst Awards. The awards celebrate the most revolutionary successes in advancing the telecoms industry, proof-of-concepts for industry standards, impact on global sustainability goals, and noteworthy contributions to the acceleration of digital transformation. Conducted ...

  • 03.11.2021 – 22:01

    Hyundai Construction Equipment launches the next-generation 2.5-ton electric forklift (B-X)

    Gyeonggi-do, Korea (ots) - - Launching the next-generation 2.5-ton electric forklift with the first application of lithium iron phosphate battery - Carrying out a customer-centered marketing campaign targeting the logistics industry for industrial vehicles Hyundai Construction Equipment (CEO Choi Chul-gon) is launching the B-X Series, the next-generation electric ...

  • 03.11.2021 – 20:06

    Symphony showcases front office, operations, and wealth workflows at Innovate 2021

    New York and London (ots) - --News Direct-- Symphony - the leading markets’ technology and infrastructure platform - showcased front office, operations, and wealth workflows that are solving for markets industry challenges in its flagship conference Innovate 2021, held yesterday in New York City. Symphony showcased for the first time how its secure and compliant ...

  • 27.10.2021 – 16:06

    Symphony partners with Unqork to solve capital markets business challenges

    New York and London (ots) - --News Direct-- Symphony- the leading markets’ infrastructure and technology platform - is partnering with Unqork, the leading enterprise no-code platform, to solve capital markets business challenges, by digitizing the industry’s core processes while streamlining secure collaboration and improving auditability. Capital markets ...