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Zollikofer Recycles 120 Metric Tonnes of Furniture at Motel One München-Deutsches Museum: Pilot Project Sets Standard for Circular Economy in the Construction Sector

Zollikofer Recycles 120 Metric Tonnes of Furniture at Motel One München-Deutsches Museum: Pilot Project Sets Standard for Circular Economy in the Construction Sector
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  • Furniture turned into secondary raw material wood chips for new wood-based materials
  • Project promotes the circular economy in close collaboration with Motel One and Pfleiderer
  • Zollikofer aims to use the knowledge gained for further sustainable projects

Zollikofer is a specialist in preparation, processing and logistics for wood products and has been part of the Koehler Group since 2021. The company recently successfully completed a pioneering project involving the recycling of wood-based materials in collaboration with the Motel One Group and Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH, a leading manufacturer of high-quality wood-based materials. As part of a redesign of the Motel One München-Deutsches Museum, 120 metric tonnes of interior design materials were recycled and reintroduced to the materials cycle. Instead of being sent for incineration, the materials were prepared for use in the wood-based materials industry. The resulting secondary raw materials are being used to produce new furniture items and fittings for the hotel chain.

Future Prospects for the Circular Economy

“This sustainable approach aligns with our objective of moving away from linear material flows and promoting the circular economy in other sectors where this topic is not yet well established,” says Stefan Zollikofer, managing director of Zollikofer. He adds: “The circular economy, with all its facets, is our strong point and we cover the whole chain.”

Zollikofer, Motel One and partner Pfleiderer all worked together closely and efficiently on the project. The materials were inspected on site beforehand and any suitable components for recycling were identified. “The materials were expertly and systematically processed and recycled as part of a floor-by-floor renovation, during which the hotel continued to operate as normal,” explains Dirk Strittmatter, Senior Project Manager Interior Design at Motel One Group. “Here at Motel One Group, we want our business activities to be sustainable to help make the world a better place. Our aim is to integrate social and environmental measures and do business responsibly. This joint project with Pfleiderer and Zollikofer allowed us to take a significant step toward achieving this in terms of renovating our hotels,” says Dirk Strittmatter, summing up the pilot project. Further joint renovations of Motel One hotels are already being discussed.

Best regards

Alexander M. Stöckle
Corporate Director Marketing & Communications
Press Spokesperson

Koehler Holding SE & Co. KG

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