ots Ad hoc-Service: TePla AG <DE0007461006> TePla presents results for 1999
Kirchheim/Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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The results of TePla AG for the financial year 1999 are heavily influenced by the rapid development of the semiconductor industry at the end of last year. In the last quarter of 1999, TePla raise the sales in its Semiconductor Technology-Division to DM 4.7 million. This corresponds to more than twice the sales of the third quarter 1999 (DM 1.9 million) Due to the boom in the semiconductor market, the total sales in the Semiconductor Technology-Division though amounted to DM 12.5 million and thus could be increased by 38 per cent compared to the previous year (DM 9.1 million).
The Surface Technology-division was influenced by the weak first half of 1999. Despite the recovery in the second half-year, in which the sales with DM 2.1 million rose by 25 per cent compared to the previous year (DM 1.7 million), total divisional sales remained with DM 2.8 million 25.4 per cent behind the value of the previous year (DM 3.8 million). The sales missing in the Surface Technology-Division were consolidated by the development in the PCB Technology-Division, in which sales reached DM 2.0 million for the total year and could therefore be increased by 473.3 per cent compared to the previous year (DM 0.3 million). Despite the missing US-sales, the company turnover remained with DM 18.4 million only scarcely under the target value and therefore could be increased by 27.1 per cent compared to the previous year (DM 14.5 million). In the course of the upswing in the semiconductor industry 33.4 per cent of the turnover was generated in the last quarter (in the previous year 28.9 per cent).
Due to the rapid market development at the end of last year, TePla in the last quarter of the financial year advanced investments originally planned for 2000 into the last quarter of 1999. Thus, the research and development activities within the semiconductor field were increased further, the selling activities were substantially intensified and employment was again accelerated. Due to the total of these advance- payments as well as the initial costs of devellopping the US-market, the result from ordinary activities amounted DM 0.2 million (previous year: DM 1.2 million). Due to interest income as well as the required activation of tax losses carried forward caused by the initial public offering, net income after minority interest rose 17.7 per cent compared to the previous year (DM 1.2 million) to DM 1.5 million.
In the current quarter of the ongoing financial year, first results of intensified market devellopment efforts are showing. In the first two months, the incoming orders in the Semiconductor Technology-division increased to DM 2.1 million and therefore amounted to over 400 per cent the previous year's value (DM 0.4 million). Further impulses in the financial year 2000 are expected from the business field Metrology, in which the US- and the japanes Market were successfully entered towards the end of last year.
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Original content of: PVA TePla AG, transmitted by news aktuell