ots Ad hoc-Service: TePla AG <DE0007461006> TePla signs Agreement for co-operation with Hitachi Via Mechanics, Ltd.
Kirchheim/Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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- Co-operation with japanese market leader strengthens position in asian printed circuit board market - Strategic emphasis in 2000 on semiconductor and printed circuit board industry
The TePla AG signed contracts for a strategic co-operation with the Japanese Hitachi via Mechanics, Ltd. Together with Hitachi, TePla will develop a plasma-system for cleaning laser-drilled holes in printed circuit boards, which will be marketed by Hitachi in connection with their laser-drilling equipment.
Thus the TePla AG could win yet another key-Player in the printed circuit board market for a co-operation. In the growth market for laser-drilling equipment, Hitachi via Mechanics has a market share of 30 per cent. Advances from the co-operations are especially expected in the asian and in particular the japanese market, in which Hitachi is market leader for laser-drilling equipment.
First results from the co-operation are expected in 2001. The expected turnover and revenue figures are to be upgraded accordingly.
The Strategy of TePla is to position itself as swiftly as possible in the niche market for cleaning of laser-drilled holes in printed circuit boards and thus to further advance its PCB Technology division, in which revenues in the past year could be increased in by DM 0.3 million on DM 2.0 million.
Against the background of the booming semiconductor market, apart from the PCB Technology division TePla wants to strengthen its Semiconductor Technology division and here especially its position in the United States in the current financial year by means of co-operations and akquisitions. The n egotiations in the Surface Technology division with Plasma-Finish GmbH, Schwedt, were aborted in mutual agreement.
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Original content of: PVA TePla AG, transmitted by news aktuell