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Rosenbauer International AG

euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
Annual Reports
ROSENBAUER GROUP - Financial year 2001 (E)

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* Internationalisation and restructuring show effects
* EBT nearly doubled in comparison to 2000
* Proposed dividend: EUR 1,00 per share
* Expected increase in EBT for 2002
Vienna, April 25, 2002 - The Executive Board of Rosenbauer
International AG presented the financial year 2001:
Rosenbauer Group                                      2001  2000
Revenue                                         EUR m 273.7 287.7
EBIT                                            EUR m 10.1  7.0
EBT                                             EUR m 5.1   2.7
Cash-flow from pre-tax profit                   EUR m 7.5   1.9
Employees                                             1,288 1,332
Price of the Rosenbauer share (end of the year) EUR   21.0  24.0
Dividend (Proposal to the General Meeting)      EUR m 1.7   1.0
Dividend per share                              EUR   1.0   0.6
On revenues of EUR 273.7 m (2000: EUR 287.7 m) the Group achieved EBT
of EUR 5.1 m in 2001 (2000: EUR 2.7 m). The improvement of the EBT
results from higher margins in the international business and a
positive development of the Group companies in the USA, Singapore,
Spain and Switzerland. This trend confirms the intensified
internationalisation strategy of the last years.
Increase in EBT enables higher dividend
The Executive Board of the Rosenbauer Group intends to propose to the
General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 1.0 per share should be
distributed (2000: EUR 0.6 per share). This higher dividend reflects
the marked improvement in the Group’s result, and the increase that
is expected in 2002. For the 1.7 m shares, the sum for distribution
thus totals EUR 1.7 m (2000: EUR 1.0 m).
Record figure of orders in 2001
The volume of new orders received throughout the Group during 2001
reached the record figure of EUR 354.0 m (2000: EUR 264.3 m).
Year-end order-book totals rose by 43 % from EUR 181.4 m to EUR 260.2
Outlook 2002: Significant increase in revenue and EBT
Having coped with the difficult year it had in 2000, and successfully
completed the reorganisation of the Metz Group in 2001, the
Rosenbauer Group has all the makings of a very good year ahead of it
in 2002.
The positive effects from the rationalisation measures, the record
volume of new orders received until year-end 2001 throughout the
Group and the price quality of these orders will make possible a
Group revenue in the region of EUR 300 m and a doubling of Group EBT.
Further information:
Robert Kastil, Executive Vice President, Phone: +43/732/6794-570. 
Gerda Königstorfer, Investor Relations, Phone: +43/732/6794-568.
end of announcement        euro adhoc 25.04.2002

Further inquiry note:

Marlene Schneider

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 092255
Börsen: Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse,
Handelsüberwachung der Berliner Wertpapierbörse, Wiener Börse AG

Original content of: Rosenbauer International AG, transmitted by news aktuell