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ots Ad hoc-Service: itelligence AG <DE0007300402> Norddeutsche Affinerie and itelligence develop electronic marketplace for Europes copper industry

Frankfurt (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Norddeutsche Affinerie Group
(NA), a DM 3 bn company employing some 2,850 people and Europes
largest copper producer is about to launch its electronic marketplace
for the copper industry ("") after several months of
development and trial operation. Developed by NA in cooperation with
itelligence, this Internet solution is a combined industry portal,
marketplace and trading platform. An annual copper consumption of 4.2
million tons makes Europe the largest copper market in the world.
Germany alone uses 1.1 million tons of copper per year, including a
growing quantity of high-purity copper material for high-tech
products such as chips, printed circuits and mobile phones.
Experts expect marketplace integration to result in high
productivity gains. The market is highly fragmented by a large number
of different producers, processors, dealers, brokers and secondary
mills; in addition, there are international ore suppliers, logistics
and transport companies as well as industrial end users in a wide
variety of different sectors. Werner Marnette, Board Chairman of
Norddeutsche Affinerie: "It is our objective to map the business
processes of the European copper industry and to integrate and
optimize its information and processing chains via the Internet." The
development of value added services such as insurance, credit checks
and hedging is already under way. The electronic marketplace will be
operated by the largest players in the industry: Norddeutsche
Affinerie is the largest copper producer in Europe and has an annual
copper concentrate processing capacity of 1 million tons. The company
has an all- European market share of 34%, a major part of which is
accounted for by so-called "copper formats" (mostly special grades
for high-tech applications). Given that copper can be recycled
without a loss of quality and scrap metal processing therefore plays
an important role, the worlds largest copper recycling company
(260,000 tons handled per year), Hüttenwerke Kayser (a member of the
NA Group since December 1999) has also been fully integrated into the
marketplace. The integration of other major players is planned. The
operator concept ensures neutrality and data security at the same
time. The objective is to vertically integrate the 500+ largest
companies in the industry on the Internet. The project has allowed
itelligence AG, which has emerged from the recent merger of SVC AG
and APCON AG, to realize the first know-how synergies. Says NA Board
Chairman Marnette: "We have chosen itelligence AG as they were the
only ones that have the complete e-business expertise required for
our project." This expertise is a combination of business process
competence and technological know-how, both in the SAP (MySAP) and
the non- SAP environment as well as in individual software
programming. itelligence provided an all-in solution from web
strategy consulting to IT development and web design. Special
software helps the copper companies achieve a direct connection and
full integration of their ERP/back-end and booking systems. Marnette:
"This degree of vertical integration makes us an international
leader." Says itelligence Board Spokesman Herbert Vogel: "There is a
strong incentive for our customers to order the software solution as
an upgrade to their ERP systems as it allows them to cooperate
optimally." The project is based on the "High Commerce" software
platform of itelligence partner Heiler AG. All marketplace processes
will be outsourced to the itelligence computer centre near Dresden.
itelligence will also support the operation of the marketplace.
End of Message 

Original content of: NTT DATA Business Solutions AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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