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Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG

euro adhoc: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG / Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG: Sales and results 1-9/03 marked by restrained market development and weak dollar EBIT margin around 10 %; cost and capacity optimisation at all organisat

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc.
  The issuer is responsible for the content of this announcement.
Ternitz, November 28, 2003. Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment
AG, listed on the prime market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, looks
back on a 9-month result characterized by restrained demand within
the industry and the weakness of the US-dollar. Within the first nine
months of the year, SBO achieved group sales of EUR 105.0 mill.
(following EUR 134.7 mill.). The EBIT generated in the first nine
months of 2003 was EUR 10.3 mill. (following EUR 17.9 mill.). The
nine-month EBIT margin was approx. 10 % (following around 13 %).
"As expected, the third quarter of 2003 did not yet see any
improvement of the situation in the industry. Despite of declining
bookings and most adverse currency effects we were able to achieve a
satisfying EBIT margin in the first three quarters", CEO Gerald
Grohmann comments on the business development.
Sales generated in Q3 amounted to EUR 31.1 mill. (following EUR 39.2
mill.). The EBIT of Q3 was EUR 2.1 mill. (EUR 3.6 mill.). The profit
before tax of EUR 2.4 mill. was less than last year’s figure, EUR 3.8
mill., but remained largely at the level of Q2/2003 (EUR 2.5 mill.).
Adjusted for currency effects, the profit before tax in Q3/2003 of
EUR 3.6 mill. - despite of declining bookings - would come close to
last year’s result (EUR 3.8 mill.).
Nonetheless, SBO continues to implement their corporate policy of
flexibly adapting capacities to the order situation and improving
both cost structure and product portfolio. This is why in-house
production of standard oil tools, whose volumes and prices have gone
down recently, will be discontinued at Darron, UK (annual division
sales around EUR 5 mill.). Darron will henceforth focus on
manufacturing high-quality, customer-specific high-precision parts.
Additional optimisation measures will be implemented in the coming
months in an effort to secure the earnings situation at Darron.
As part of the strategy to use the current weakness of the US-dollar
to step up investments in the dollar region and following the 100%
takeover of Knust-SBO Ltd., Houston, SBO continues to take further
steps. The production facility of Godwin-SBO L.P., Houston was moved
to another location so as to shorten lead times and cut logistics
costs. Additionally, the new location offers attractive perspectives
for expansion. Early in December the new gunhole drilling activities
in the US (high-precision drilling for specialty parts) will be put
into operation.
Despite of the currently dissatisfying market and currency situation
and strains resulting from reorganisation measures SBO expects to
generate a result in 2003 that will allow the company to distribute
an adequate dividend. As for 2004, Mr. Grohmann’s assessment remains
unchanged: "A sustained economic recovery in the US and Asia should
trigger growing demand for oil, resulting in increased drilling
activities and stronger demand for high-tech equipment components for
oil production."
Comparison of key figures in MEUR
                           1-9 2003 1-9 2002
Sales                      105.04   134.66
EBIT                       10.26    17.89
EBIT margin (%)            9.8      13.3
Profit before tax          9.57     14.47
Consolidated group result  5.43     8.61
Headcount *                809      869
*Reporting date September 30.
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG is the global market leader
for high-precision components for the oilfield service industry. The
business focus is on non-magnetic drill string components for
directional drilling. Worldwide, the company employs a workforce of
809 (end of 2002: 852), currently 218 in the company headquarters at
Ternitz, Lower Austria, and 296 in Houston, Texas. The majority
shareholder of the company is Berndorf AG (approx. 64 %).
end of announcement        euro adhoc 28.11.2003

Further inquiry note:

Gerald Grohmann, Chief Executive Officer
Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG
A-2630 Ternitz, Hauptstraße 2
Tel: +43 2630/315 DW 110, Fax: ext. 101

Mick Stempel, Hochegger|Financials
Tel.:+43 1/504 69 87 ext. 85

Branche: Oil & Gas - Upstream activities
ISIN: AT0000946652
WKN: 94665
Index: ATX Prime, WBI
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Original content of: Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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