ots Ad hoc-Service: PC-WARE Info. Technolo. <DE0006910904> First-Quater Sales increased by 19%
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First-Quater Sales increased by 19%
In the first quarter (April 1 - June 30) of FY 2000/2001, PC- Ware AG continued its successful performance. According to preliminary calculations, first-quarter sales totalled EUR 27.5 million, which means they were 19% above plan and 39% up on the same period of the previous year. Publication of the detailed quarterly figures has been scheduled for August 28, 2000.
PC-Ware Information Technologies AG Beate Sailer Investor Relations Tel: 0341-2568-000 Fax: 0341-2568-999 e-mail: investor.relations@pc-ware.de
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