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Ford and DERA Announce Joint Technology Venture

London (ots-PRNewswire) -

Ford Motor Company (NYSE: F) and the UK
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) today have agreed to
announce a joint venture aimed at accelerating the vehicle design
process and improving quality.
The joint venture, Holographic Imaging LLC, is a research and
development company formed to create a three-dimensional, interactive
imaging workstation prototype. The new technology has the potential
to save Ford millions of dollars in design and development costs for
new vehicle platforms, while also bringing new products to consumers
The technology, under development by DERA, will be used by Ford to
create full-scale virtual digital models of prototype vehicles. The
joint venture will streamline Ford's vehicle design processes by
reducing the reliance on hard models, give Ford the ability to
redesign features in real time and the capability to hold multiple
design reviews simultaneously.
"The new company's focus is to develop a three-dimensional design
tool which can be used to accelerate and simplify Ford's product
development and design processes," said Neil Ressler, vice president,
Research and Vehicle Technology and chief technical officer, Ford
Motor Company. "DERA's long history of innovation as the largest R&D
organization in Western Europe, including the development of
proprietary liquid crystal display and flat screen display
technology, makes this partnership a revolutionary step by Ford."
The joint venture also will have the potential to tap into other
business and growth opportunities, such as participating in
attractive new businesses in automotive and non-automotive fields as
a licensor or equity partner. These include applying the technology
to other fields such as aerospace, entertainment, medical imaging,
oil and gas industry, industrial design and marketing.
The technology may have important defense applications, too, for
example in command and control, exercise planning, product design and
simulators. The UK Ministry of Defence will retain use of the
technology for British military purposes.
"DERA's three-dimensional imaging technology leads the world in
futuristic imaging techniques and promises major changes in design
processes and other similar applications," said David Steeds,
director, Corporate Development, DERA. "A substantial amount of
Intellectual Property has been developed since we started working
closely together and the JV will allow DERA and Ford to develop this
valuable IP to its full potential."
"This three-dimensional imaging technology allows for much earlier
review of proportion and stance, gives us the ability to look at
multiple solutions and modify them in real time by just moving our
hands in space, and provides relatively quick means to assess and
improve our craftsmanship quality," said J Mays, vice president,
Design, Ford Motor Company. "Imagine being able to project a
three-dimensional instrument panel in full-scale and view it from
behind the wheel or the passenger seat and obtain customer feedback
months earlier than we can get today. This will be possible with this
Ford has been collaborating with DERA on research into interactive
three-dimensional holography since 1997. A system based on this
technology will enable true, three-dimensional virtual models of
vehicles, components and fully interactive systems that can be used
by design, engineering and marketing staffs. Jaguar began working
with DERA in 1996 on night vision systems.
Both Ford and DERA will retain equal stakes in the new company,
while they continue to explore joint commercialization opportunities
with other companies. The new company will be based in the U.S. Terms
were not disclosed and the transaction is subject to completion of
definitive agreements.
About Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company is the world's largest producer of trucks and
the second-largest producer of cars and trucks combined, marketing
and selling more than seven million vehicles globally through its
eight brands. Ford employs approximately 335,000 people in plants,
offices and laboratories to serve consumers in more than 200
countries and territories.
About DERA
DERA (Defence Evaluation and Research Agency) is an agency of the
UK Ministry of Defence, incorporating the bulk of the UK Ministry of
Defence's non-nuclear research, technology and test and evaluation
DERA is one of Europe's largest research organizations and employs
12,000 people, many of them leading scientists and internationally
acclaimed experts. DERA's pioneering research and development this
century includes the invention of liquid crystal displays (LCDs),
carbon fibre, the technology for flat panel speakers, infra-red
sensors and microwave radar, as well as Chobham armour, and shaped
Ford news releases and high-resolution photographs are available
on the Ford Motor Company media Web site ( ).
Also refer to DERA's web pages at
ots Original Text Service: Ford Motor Company; DERA


Joanna Sale of DERA, +44-1252-392809; or
John Gardiner of Ford Motor Company Britain,
+44-1277-253265; or
Kristen Kinley of Ford Motor Company U.S.,
+1-313-390-1759, or
Ford Media Information Center,
+1-800-665-1515, or +1-313-621-0504, or

Web site: http:/

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Original content of: Ford-Werke GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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