ots Ad hoc-Service: ELMOS Semiconductor AG <DE0005677108> ELMOS Semiconductor AG is growing faster and with higher margin
Dortmund (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Sales growth within the 2nd quarter exceeds our expectations significantly. The growth rate of 47.7% compared to the previous year was even higher than in the first quarter (18.7%). The 6-months turnover of DM 103.4 Mio. is 32.1% above the figures of the corresponding period of 1999.
ELMOS Semiconductor AG is focussing consequently on strong international growth. While the turnover of the first 6 months of 2000 grew by 27.5% within Germany, it increased by 62.7% in the rest of the CEC and even 96.3% in the United States.
The order bookings are superior and they reflect the upward trend of the company (1st half year 2000: DM 126.6 Mio., +52.7% compared to 1st half year 1999).
Income after tax grew by 48.6% to DM 9.1 Mio. per quarter, the half year result with DM 16.0 Mio. was 49.6% higher than one year before. The growth of net income was therefore significantly higher than that of the turnover.
The new orders in the field of telecommunication underline the excellent perspectives of the company.
ELMOS Semiconductor AG - Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 - 44227 Dortmund
Tel.: +49 (0)231-7549-0 - Fax: +49(0)231-7549-149 eMail:
invest@elmos.de - www.elmos.de
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Original content of: ELMOS Semiconductor AG, transmitted by news aktuell