ots Ad hoc-Service: ELMOS Semiconductor AG <DE0005677108> ELMOS AG takes over the European Semiconductor Assembly (Eurasem) B.V.
Dortmund (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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The ELMOS Semiconductor AG, Dortmund, has acquired on January 11th, 2001 the packaging-specialist European Semiconductor Assembly (Eurasem) B.V., Nijmegen. ELMOS takes over about 96% of the shares in Eurasem from the Royal Begemann Group (RBG) N.V., Breda. Eurasem B.V. is a high-qualified service provider for the semiconductor industry: The company develops and assembles IC- packages for electronic semiconductor components, high- frequency devices, but also for power- and sensor devices, including optical sensor systems. Based on a long-term expertise within development and production of customer- specific chip-packages, Eurasem is equipped with state-of-the- art production lines for prototyping and volume production. The acquisition enables the ELMOS-Group to provide their customers with individual system solutions on a semiconductor base in standard- and power-packages as well as solutions for the sensor and mechatronic area. Simultaneously, ELMOS gains valuable know-how about assembly, which is useful to accomplish the increasing quality requirements of the automotive industry. It is a goal to use the high synergy potential of both companies as fast as possible, long-term to realise additional savings caused by optimised production logistics, and to reduce the dependency on the US-Dollar exchange rate. Eurasem B.V., founded 1987 in Nijmegen, took over the Euro assembly-line of Philips in the beginning of the 90's and achieved sales of about DM 15 millions with approximately 75 employees in the year 2000. ELMOS Semiconductor AG is a developer and manufacturer of custom specific integrated circuits, based in Dortmund. For more than 10 years, ELMOS has generated 85% of its net sales in the automotive electronics segment.
ELMOS Semiconductor AG Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 - 231-7549-0 Fax: +49 - 231-7549-548 eMail:
invest@elmos.de Internet: http://www.elmos.de
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