RSD Reise Service Deutschland GmbH
Stories from Antalya
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Milestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway
One documentmoreiWater Group Limited - Successful sales launch in Turkey
London (ots) - iWater Group Limited has identified Turkey as an important market for their sales campaign. The geographical location and the climate conditions in Turkey provide ideal conditions for traditional and organic agriculture. Around three million agricultural operations and traditional micro enterprises utilise an area of around 38 million hectares for the generation of products. "We are excited that we will be ...
moreSunExpress supports Turkish Tourism and the Antalya region with additional flights and special tariffs after Thomas Cook plc insolvency
Antalya (ots) - SunExpress took notice with regret of the Thomas Cook plc. Insolvency. In order to support maintaining the tourism flows from Great Britain to its core market Antalya and vice versa, the joint venture of Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa will provide additional capacities and special tariffs for ...
moreDFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
2,200 flights under remote tower control prove the concept
2,200 flights under remote tower control prove the concept Last December, the German air navigation service provider, DFS Deutsche Flugischerung, was the first worldwide to introduce remote tower control (RTC) at an airport that has more than 15,000 flight movements per year. The introductory weeks proved successful and the RTC ...