Stories from Freising
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Record financing rounds at the Munich biotech hub
One documentmore Lamia Messari-Becker is named “Thought Leader 2024“
moreTechnische Universität München
Role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/37391 NEWS RELEASE Urban greenery: not only trees are important Role of vegetation in reducing thermal stress in urban areas Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) conducted a multi-year empirical ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Worldwide assessment of protected areas
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/37154 High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1639749 NEWS RELEASE Worldwide assessment of protected areas Study: Lack of protection of the world’s deserts and deep sea regions Protected areas are among the most effective tools for ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Weather conditions outside growing season very important for cereal yield
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/37019 High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1633290 NEWS RELEASE Winter important for cereal yield Weather conditions outside growing season very important The weather conditions in ...
Technische Universität München
How climate change and fires are shaping the forests of the future - Tracking future forest fires with AI
Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/36808/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1616833 NEWS RELEASE How climate change and fires are shaping the forests of ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Exploring biodiversity and climate change in the Alps - A new cooperation between TUM and Berchtesgaden National Park
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 71 5402 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/36243/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1575943 NEWS RELEASE Exploring biodiversity ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Benzene in cherry flavor - where it comes from and how to avoid it
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35952/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1542514 NEWS RELEASE Flavor research for consumer protection Flavorings containing benzaldehyde can develop benzene under the influence of light In ...
moreTechnische Universität München
How roots grow hair: "Smoke detectors" in plants also control the growth of root hair
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35739/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1521816 NEWS RELEASE How roots grow hair "Smoke detectors" in plants also control the growth of ...
moreTechnische Universität München
The secret of motivation: How neural circuits drive hungry individuals to peak performance
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35707/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1520278 NEWS RELEASE The secret of motivation How neural circuits drive hungry individuals to peak ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Rainforests have limited absorption capacity for CO2
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10516 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35637/ High resolution pictures: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1516581 NEWS RELEASE The limits of rainforest growth Rainforests saving the climate? Only as long as nutrient stores last! How much carbon dioxide can ...
Technische Universität München
Better food quality control: Food profilers develop new methodological approach for food analysis
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: http://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35607/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1515306 NEWS RELEASE Better food quality ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Better food quality control: Food profilers develop new methodological approach for food analysis
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: http://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/35607/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1515306 NEWS RELEASE Better food quality ...
moreTechnische Universität München
Artificial intelligence boosts proteome research
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: http://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/article/35470/ Additional press release on the use of artificial intelligence in genome research (appearing later today): http://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/details/article/35471/ High ...
moreTechnische Universität München
The virus detectives: The secret of brown trout dying uncovered
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 10510 - e-mail: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/detail/article/35106/ High resolution images: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/1464488 NEWS RELEASE The virus detectives The secret of brown trout dying uncovered Every summer in Southern Germany, Austria and Switzerland, ...
moreTechnische Universität München
A new record semester begins at TUM
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: presse@tum.de - web: www.tum.de This text on the web: https://www.tum.de/nc/en/about-tum/news/press-releases/detail/article/34992/ NEWS RELEASE A new record semester begins Renewed increase in internationalization at TUM: 30 percent of students from abroad The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is launching the winter ...