Stories about Agrar
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Cotton Farmers in Benin Benefit From Organic Cotton Cultivation
One documentmore GEA launches Body Condition Scoring for cows
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PR AbTF: Cotton made in Africa Supports the Development of West African Textile Production in Benin
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World Cotton Day: Cotton made in Africa Celebrates World’s Top Natural Textile Fibre on 7 October
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PR AbTF | Focus on Biodiversity in Fight Against Effects of Climate Change
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Independent Auditors Attest to The Good Cashmere Standard High Effectiveness in Animal Welfare and Sustainability
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Aid by Trade Foundation Joins International Alliance for Sustainable Cotton Production in Chad
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AbTF Publishes Independent Verification Results for Cotton made in Africa’s Standards
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PR | Aid by Trade Foundation Publishes Annual Report 2023: EUR 8.1 Million in Revenue to Increase Sustainability in Fibre and Textile Production
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PR AbTF: Boosting Gender Justice | Study Shows Impact by Cotton made in Africa
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AbTF Expands to India Through Regenerative Cotton Standard
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AbTF Cotton Conference in India: Experts From Across the Global Cotton and Textile Industry Discuss Challenges and Innovations for the Sustainable Future of Cotton
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GEA adds proven AI solution to portfolio with CattleEye acquisition
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International Women’s Day, 8 March: Cotton made in Africa Supports Women’s Rights and Independence
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GEA at the Anuga FoodTec trade show: Sustainability innovations bolster food industry resilience
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Avon and Cotton made in Africa Announce Partnership
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PR | For World Soil Day on 5 December, Cotton made in Africa Presents New Guidelines for Evaluating Soil Quality
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PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton Standard
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CmiA Remote Sensing Project for African Cotton
2 Documentsmore Terre des Hommes Deutschland e.V.
UN Committee on the Rights of the Child calls on states to take action in first guidance on children's rights and the environment, with a focus on climate change
GENEVA/NEW YORK (ots) - Today, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published authoritative guidance to States on what they must do to uphold children’s right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In the face of the ...
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CmiA Aggregated Verification & Implementation Report 2022
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CmiA Aggregated Verification & Implementation Report 2022
One documentmore New platform sheds light on the bioeconomy
Harnessing innovation to build a bio-based, climate-neutral and circular economy – that is the goal of Germany’s National Bioeconomy Strategy. But is Germany on track, and does development align with the overarching Sustainable Development Goals? Please excuse any double sendings Joint Press release Oeko-Institut and Symobio 2.0 Darmstadt, 18. April ...
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Land use in the EU Climate Target Plan 2030: Ecosystems are more than carbon reservoirs
The management of forests, cropland and grassland impacts on the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These activities must therefore be taken into account in the EU's Climate Target Plan. The EU Parliament and the European Council are currently arguing about the "how". The outcome of this ...
One documentmoreMunich Re Figures Show Fewer Severe Natural Disasters in the First Half of the Year
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