Stories about Bild
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Press Release - hubergroup Chemicals Presents Groundbreaking Bio-Based UV Oligomers at the European Coatings Show 2025 at its Booth and in a Presentation
One documentmore Weleda Unveils Its First Comprehensive Modernization of the Brand Appearance in over 100 Years
moreShiftmove wins industry leader Taco van der Leij to Accelerate Expansion in France and Transform Fleet Management
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Hellmann: Protecting wetlands is an important lever for climate protection
more Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU:n suunnitelma auttoi korjaamaan investointivajetta merkittävästi, vaikka sen tavoitetta ei saavutettu kokonaan
Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Europski fond za strateška ulaganja znatno je doprinio smanjenju manjka sredstava za ulaganja, ali njegova ciljna vrijednost nije u cijelosti dostignuta
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU plan helped to substantially address the investment gap, although its target was not fully met
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Planul UE a contribuit substanțial la remedierea deficitului de investiții, deși ținta sa nu a fost atinsă pe deplin
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Plán EÚ výrazne pomohol pri riešení nedostatku investícií, aj keď jeho cieľ nebol úplne splnený
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
ES planas padėjo svariai sumažinti investicijų atotrūkį, tačiau jo tikslas nebuvo visiškai pasiektas
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU-plan bidrog væsentligt til at afhjælpe investeringsunderskuddet, men målene blev ikke nået fuldt ud
Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Plán EU významně přispěl k řešení nedostatku investic, jeho cíle ale nebylo plně dosaženo
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Euroopa Liidu kava aitas investeerimispuudujääki oluliselt vähendada, kuigi seatud eesmärki ei suudetud täielikult saavutada
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU-Plan zur Schließung der Investitionslücke erreicht sein Ziel nicht ganz
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Планът за инвестиции на ЕС е допринесъл значително за преодоляване на недостига на инвестиции, въпреки че не е постигнал напълно целевото равнище
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
El plan de la UE contribuyó sustancialmente a colmar el déficit de inversión, aunque no cumplió plenamente su objetivo.
moreHamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
836th PORT ANNIVERSARY from 9 to 11 May to celebrate the heart of Hamburg
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“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2025”: Celebrating Pioneering Innovation in Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies
One documentmore Koehler Group Becomes Newest Partner of NXTGN Innovation Platform
moreSNIPES USA Appoints Kelley Walton as New Chief Marketing Officer
moreThe Obrist Group Proposes a Baseload-capable and Sustainable Energy Concept for Europe
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GEA Direct Sprayer DS 25: Less Water, Faster Cleaning
One documentmore World's Most Beautiful Restaurant: Austria's VINA wins Property Award 2025
Instone Group achieves all full year targets; demand expected to pick up significantly in 2025
One documentmore“Add Better” labels. for NexGen Tablet Press® 45
moreGEA at IFFA in Frankurt 2025
2 DocumentsmoreWSCAD joins the voluntary EU AI Pact
moreBiomass instead of coal: Koehler Group christens its decarbonized combined heat and power plant
moreGEA launches new AI solution for more efficient engineer-to-order processes
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