Stories about Finanzwirtschaft

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  • 14.03.2023 – 07:00

    Fraport AG

    Recovery Continues: Fraport's 2022 Fiscal Year Marked by Strong Demand

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Group result improves to EUR166.6 million - CEO Schulte expects continued traffic growth during summer by about 15 to 25 percent - Tighter climate targets for 2030: Fraport aims to cut carbon emissions by 78 percent compared to 1990 base-year Fraport AG's business ...

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  • 04.11.2020 – 07:00

    Brenntag SE

    Brenntag with strong performance in the third quarter of 2020

    Essen (ots) - - Operating EBITDA* reaches 264.4 million EUR (4.9%)** compared to the same period last year - Operating gross profit*** with 690.6 million EUR (-0.2%) stable compared to prior-year quarter** - Free cash flow with 420.7 million EUR significantly above previous year's figure of 245.9 million EUR (71.1%) Brenntag (ISIN DE000A1DAHH0), the global ...

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  • 21.03.2019 – 10:35


    Helaba pleased with performance and results

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Consolidated net profit before tax of EUR 443 million at previous year's level - Sharp growth in new business in second half of the year - Risk situation remains positive thanks to good portfolio quality - Very stable CET1 ratio of 14.9 percent - Renewed increase in general and administrative expenses, particularly due to ...

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  • 22.11.2018 – 09:09


    Helaba finishes Q3 2018 with good result

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Strong third-quarter result of EUR 164 million - Consolidated profit before tax of EUR 364 million achieved after nine months - Good portfolio quality ensures risk situation remains comfortable - Very stable capital resources: CET-1 ratio at 15.3 per cent Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated a consolidated profit before ...

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  • 22.08.2018 – 08:41


    Helaba with profit before tax of EUR 200 million in first half of 2018

    Frankfurt am Main - (ots) - - Pre-tax profit on target - Noticeable recovery in volume of new business in Q2 - Risk situation comfortable - CET1 ratio rises to 15.5 percent - Implementation of regulatory requirements weighs on administration expenses Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen ended the first ...

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  • 28.05.2018 – 08:23


    Helaba achieves stable first-quarter profit in 2018

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Profit before tax of EUR 79 million slightly above previous year - Further improvement in capital ratio to 15.7 percent - Risk situation continues to ease - Outlook for 2018 financial year confirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated a consolidated profit before tax of EUR 79 million in the first quarter of 2018. This ...

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  • 21.03.2018 – 10:00


    Helaba satisfied with business performance and profit in 2017

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Consolidated profit before taxes of EUR 447 million - Decline in profit lower than expected - Strong market position maintained - risk situation remains positive - Improvement in CET1 ratio to 15.2 percent - Further growth in net fee and commission income - Stable performance anticipated for 2018 Frankfurt am Main - Helaba ...

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  • 21.11.2017 – 08:48


    Helaba with earnings of EUR 381 million before taxes in Q3

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Results exceed target - Earnings forecast confirmed - Risk situation remains comfortable - Challenging business environment unchanged Frankfurt am Main - Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated pre-tax profits of EUR 381 million in the first nine months of 2017, a decline of EUR 36 million compared to the very good result ...

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  • 24.08.2017 – 07:59


    Helaba generates pre-tax profit of EUR 238 million in first half of 2017

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Helaba satisfied with first-half earnings - Welcome growth in new business - Risk position comfortable - Board of Managing Directors reiterates full-year forecast Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen closed out the first half of 2017 with consolidated net earnings before taxes ...

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  • 23.05.2017 – 08:33


    Helaba sees decline in Q1 earnings

    Frankfurt/Main (ots) - - Impact of volatile income from hedge accounting and derivatives negative - Net interest income below previous year due to negative interest environment - Renewed rise in net fee and commission income - New business on a high level - Risk situation eases - Profit before taxes of EUR 75 million considerably below last year - CET1 ratio ("fully loaded") improves - Board of Managing ...

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  • 23.03.2017 – 11:17


    Helaba satisfied with 2016 financial year

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Growth in customer business underlines strong market position - Net fee and commission income rises once again - Exceptional interest rate environment weighs on net interest income - Regulatory figures see renewed improvement - Business figures on target - Significant future investment in IT and digitalisation Helaba Landesbank ...

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  • 17.11.2016 – 11:31


    Helaba steady on course

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Profit before tax down on last year but still ahead of forecast - Net interest income down as expected - Satisfactory progress in customer business - Forecast for the year as a whole confirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen generated a Group net profit before taxes of EUR 417 million in the first nine months of 2016, which was approximately EUR 68 million (14 percent) below last ...

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  • 24.08.2016 – 08:16


    Helaba on track at half time

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Half-year results lower, in line with forecast - Volume of new business remains on a high level - Negative impact from low interest rates and volatile earnings components - Stress test confirms comfortable level of capital backing and proven business model The Helaba Group generated a profit before taxes of EUR 279 million in the first half of 2016, which was approximately 23 per cent ...

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  • 30.05.2016 – 11:33


    Helaba study "Financial Centre of Frankfurt - Making Further Headway"

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Anniversary: 10 years of Helaba financial centre research - Frankfurt assumes leadership role in Continental Europe - London still the top location in competition between European financial centres Frankfurt has assumed the leadership role among the financial centres in ...

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  • 18.05.2016 – 08:18


    Helaba satisfied with start to 2016 financial year

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Quarterly pre-tax earnings slightly below previous year at EUR 138 m - Full inclusion of bank levy and contribution to deposit guarantee fund - Forecast for full 2016 results confirmed Frankfurt am Main - Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen achieved group earnings before tax of EUR 138 m, which was marginally below the previous year's ...

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  • 17.03.2016 – 11:15


    Helaba Group achieves profit before taxes of EUR 596 m

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Strong growth in new customer business - All operational earnings components positive - Net income from interest, fees and commission on a high level again - Positive performance of key operating and regulatory figures - Helaba sees sector under pressure to adapt Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen achieved a profit before taxes in 2015 ...

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  • 16.11.2015 – 15:40


    Helaba Group with earnings of EUR 485 m after third quarter

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Net interest income stable, net fee and commission income increases - General administration expenses slightly below previous year - New business with customers rises to EUR 13.9 bn - Sound financial ratios In the first nine months of 2015, Helaba achieved a group-wide result before taxes of EUR 485 m, which was EUR 22 m or 4 per ...

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  • 26.08.2015 – 08:46


    Helaba achieves record half-year results

    Frankfurt (ots) - Significant growth in customer business Net income from interest, fees and commissions as well as trading rises Positive earnings forecast In the first half of 2015 Helaba achieved earnings before tax in an amount of EUR 362 million, a result which was thus significantly above last year's very good level of EUR 322 million. After allowing ...

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  • 20.05.2015 – 10:01


    Good start to the year for Helaba

    Frankfurt (ots) - - Quarterly earnings before tax reach EUR 141 million - Net interest income and net fee and commission income up by more than 7 per cent - Earnings forecast for 2015 reconfirmed Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen posted Group net profit before tax of EUR 141 million in the first quarter of 2015. As was expected, that was slightly lower than the very high earnings figure of EUR 150 million ...

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  • 25.03.2015 – 10:30


    Helaba Group reports profit of EUR 607 million before tax

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - New all-time high in the company's history Good operating business leads to rise in income from net interest, fees and commission Higher dividend payment with simultaneous consolidation of capital base Core capital ratio (CET-1) reaches 13.4 per cent, total capital ratio 18.5 per cent Strategic push into foreign trade finance as ...

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