Stories about Investment
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GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change
GEA recognized by CDP with ‘A’ score for transparency on climate change Düsseldorf, February 6, 2024 – GEA scores an ‘A’ for its transparency and performance on climate change by global environmental ...
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Press release: STADA further improves Sustainability ranking; rates among top 6% of pharma players globally
One documentmore Press Release: Instone continues its very solid performance in a still challenging environment; outlook for 2023 confirmed
One documentmorePress Release: Instone continues its very solid performance in a still challenging environment
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The Use of Food and Feed Crops for Bio-based Materials and the Related Effects on Food Security – Recognising Potential Benefits
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Press release - Capital Market Day 2023: Aurubis underscores leading role as the world’s most sustainable and efficient smelter network and sees great strategic growth potential in the North American market
One documentmore Press Release: Instone starts the year well despite persistently difficult environment
One documentmorePress Release: SGL Carbon with solid business development in Q1 2023
2 DocumentsmoreFashion brand TOM TAILOR lays foundations for further enhancing its successful positioning in the casual lifestyle segment
Hamburg (ots) - - Tom Tailor GmbH (TOM TAILOR) retains its long-term strategic investor with extensive industry experience following its complete takeover by Fosun International Limited - Based on the milestones it has already achieved, TOM TAILOR ...
One documentmoreDeutsche Hypo withstands challenging market environment
Deutsche Hypo withstands challenging market environment Solid result from normal operations of € 24.0 million Consistent cost management No significant impact on the loan portfolio Thanks to a stable level of earnings in the core business area of commercial real estate finance as well as its consistent cost management, Deutsche Hypo achieved a ...
One documentmoreDeutsche Hypo achieves result of EUR 55.1 million
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Deutsche Hypo: Press Statements for MIPIM 2020
One documentmoreLuxcara and Alpiq enter into long-term PPA for Spanish solar project
Luxcara and Alpiq have entered into a physical long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for the output of the Spanish solar project El Salobral. Luxcara, one of the leading asset managers for renewable energy investments, and Alpiq, a pan European energy services provider and electricity producer with ...
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