Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Stories about Krieg
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dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
dpa mourns the death of Anas Alkharboutli
moreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
6Leipzig’s Festival of Lights Commemorates 35 Years of Peaceful Revolution
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5Colditz Castle Comes to Life with New Augmented Reality Exhibition
One documentmoreZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Commemoration of the European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024
moreZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
Press invitation: European Holocaust Memorial Day for Roma and Sinti on 2 August 2024, commemoration of the 80th anniversary at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Hunger Games Prequel Filmed at „Völki“ in Leipzig
One documentmoreThe American Academy in Berlin
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Receives the American Academy in Berlin’s 2023 Henry A. Kissinger Prize
moreLeipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
7Leipzig – Home of the Peaceful Revolution of 1989
One documentmoreZentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma
“It is our duty and responsibility to remember“ / European Holocaust Memorial Day for Sinti and Roma 2023
2 Documentsmoredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2Fact checks in a new format - dpa launches international alliance against disinformation about Ukraine
moreDiEM25’s Yanis Varoufakis helps broker Latin American summit to discuss security and welfare
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Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
5Experience Castles and Palaces in the Leipzig Region
moreLong-endurance reconnaissance drones from German manufacturer Quantum-Systems in operation in Ukraine
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Jeremy Corbyn, Ece Temelkuran and Yanis Varoufakis present the Athens Declaration
One documentmore Thessaloniki will be the stage of the biggest anti-war rally concert in Greece on May 8th, organised with the support of Brian Eno and Roger Waters, amongst others
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2Ukraine +++ Doctors Without Borders +++ NOMOS Glashütte
moreNOMOS Glashütte/SA Roland Schwertner KG
2Ukraine +++ Doctors Without Borders +++ NOMOS Glashütte
Diplomatic Council - Diplomatischer Rat
The Western Fiasco: Failure in Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine
moreHow the Federal Republic of Germany shaped its image anew at documenta / ‘documenta. Politics and Art’, opens on 18 June 2021 at the Deutsches Historisches Museum
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
3dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli honoured at Sony World Photography Awards and Pictures of the Year Asia
moreHow the documenta invented the "Zero Hour" in art after 1945" / documenta. Politics and Art" from 18 June 2021 to 9 January 2022
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli receives Pictures of the Year International prize
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
3dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli wins award for "The War in Syria" series