Stories about Migration
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Report warns of deepening social fractures in Germany
more Social Acceptance of Immigrants Working as Politicians or Judges Is Low
Social Acceptance of Immigrants Working as Politicians or Judges Is Low Often, the dominant society develops negative attitudes towards immigrants and their descendants because their integration is too successful – and not, because they are unwilling to integrate. This is the finding of a new study, conducted by researchers of the University of Mannheim and ...
moreNew Ways for a Compromise in Migration Policy
New Ways for a Compromise in Migration Policy The German populations’ immigration policy preferences are more nuanced than commonly understood and it is possible to bring together contrasting views. This is shown in a current study of sociologists and political scientists of the University of Mannheim and New York University. Migration is an increasingly dominating topic in politics and is discussed with increasing ...
moreUK enters US Green Card Lottery for the first time
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Pro-Bono-Initiative Händler helfen Händler
Job-Platform launched to help refugees from Ukraine
Berlin (ots) - The German initiative ‘Händler helfen Händlern’ presents, a free job platform that aims to give refugees from Ukraine a foothold in Germany. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, more than 1.5 million people have fled. This is the estimate of the UN refugee agency UNHCR and this number could rise as high as ...
moreEuropäisches Parlament EUreWAHL
EUrVote publishes new information package on migration and the interior
moreInternational Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Vienna Migration Conference 2018 - seeking viable options for future migration governance
Vienna, Austria (ots) - "Refugee Protection" and "Labour Migration" will be the central themes of the two-day migration conference in Vienna "Migration Ministers" from Afghanistan, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Tunisia In its third year, the "Vienna Migration Conference 2018" organised by the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is ...