Stories about Sustainable Development Goals
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PR AbTF: Boosting Gender Justice | Study Shows Impact by Cotton made in Africa
One documentmore Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
4Congress Centres in Leipzig
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Press release: STADA further improves Sustainability ranking; rates among top 6% of pharma players globally
One documentmore Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market
Joint press release by Oeko-Institut, CCQI and Foundation Development and Climate Alliance Berlin, 12 September 2023 Factsheets released on different project types in the carbon market To contribute to achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market need to be of high quality. ...
One documentmoreG20: International platform of foundations and philanthropy calls upon the G20 Heads to increase actions on climate change and future resilience
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New platform sheds light on the bioeconomy
Harnessing innovation to build a bio-based, climate-neutral and circular economy – that is the goal of Germany’s National Bioeconomy Strategy. But is Germany on track, and does development align with the overarching Sustainable Development Goals? Please excuse any double sendings Joint Press release Oeko-Institut and Symobio 2.0 Darmstadt, 18. April ...
One documentmoreLargest International Climate Platform of foundations and philanthropic organisations presents new report on renewable energy potential of the G20
With wind and solar as the two primary sources of renewable energy, the Foundations Platform F20 today calls upon the G20 Heads of State to agree upon an ...
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