07.03.2025 – 10:01GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft3FARNY brewery launches first alcohol-free Kristall-Weizen with GEA technologyStory: Alcohol-free beer: They want it all, they want less2 Documentsmore
06.03.2025 – 08:00Aid by Trade Foundation6Regenerative Cotton Standard®: Impressive Results Following First Harvest in IndiaLearn more about the Regenerative Cotton Standard®One documentmore
04.03.2025 – 17:00Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of AuditorsEU seas: polluting ships can still slip through the netAudit reportmore
27.02.2025 – 11:45DHL Group3PM: DHL eCommerce eröffnet hochmodernes Paketzentrum in Großbritannien zur Unterstützung des Wachstums im Onlinehandel / PR: DHL eCommerce opens state-of-the-art parcel hub in UK to support growth of online businesses2 Documentsmore
25.02.2025 – 10:01DHL Group2PM: DHL 2-Mann-Handling erweitert E-Flotte für letzte Meile / PR: DHL 2-Mann-Handling Expands Electric Fleet for Last Mile Deliverymore
25.02.2025 – 08:00Aid by Trade Foundation4Aid by Trade Foundation Announces New Head of Business DevelopmentLearn more about the Aid by Trade FoundationOne documentmore
21.02.2025 – 11:42GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft3High-temperature heat pump for Südzucker subsidiary Tiense SuikerClick here for the GEA media pagemore
20.02.2025 – 11:00Koehler GroupPaper Instead of Glass: pack&satt Organic Ready-to-Eat Meals Packed in Koehler Paper Materialmore
20.02.2025 – 10:01DHL Group2PM: DHL und Scania testen E-Lkw mit kraftstoffbetriebenem Stromgenerator für größere Reichweiten / PR: DHL and Scania to test electric truck with fuel-powered range extendermore
19.02.2025 – 00:05Electrochaea GmbHElectrochaea Partners with Hitachi to Bring Synthetic Methane to Japanmore
18.02.2025 – 10:50GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft2GEA introduces serviceable tank cleaners for more sustainable operationsVisit GEA's press websiteOne documentmore
17.02.2025 – 11:01TÜV Rheinland AG2Solar Energy Conference by TÜV Rheinland: new technologies, new regulation, new test methods, new failure patternsmore
17.02.2025 – 10:42WHU - Otto Beisheim School of ManagementFinancial Times Ranking: WHU Offers Germany’s Best Full-Time MBA Program2025 Financial Times Global MBA Rankingmore
12.02.2025 – 10:01DHL GroupPM: Alexion und DHL Express setzen in Irland auf SAF für internationale Luftfrachtlieferung von Medikamenten / PR: Alexion and DHL Express Join Forces in Ireland’s First 100% Switch to SAF for International Air Delivery of Medicinesmore
11.02.2025 – 11:01Koehler GroupPasta Packed in Paper: IRIS Bio and Koehler Paper Offer Recyclable Packaging Alternativemore
11.02.2025 – 10:22Cuenta con los productos lácteos europeosThe dairy sector launches new outreach actions in the markets of Belgium and Spain until 2027more
11.02.2025 – 10:03GEA Group AktiengesellschaftGEA again makes CDP’s A list: top rating for climate actionVisit GEA's press website2 Documentsmore
10.02.2025 – 12:55nova-Institut GmbH6CO₂ Revolution 2025: Fueling the Future, Capturing PossibilitiesCO?-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025One documentmore
06.02.2025 – 07:01Aurubis AG2Press release: Aurubis achieves robust operating result in Q1 2024/252 Documentsmore
05.02.2025 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: DHL Group und Neste vertiefen Zusammenarbeit zur Senkung von Emissionen in der Logistik / PR: DHL Group and Neste to tighten collaboration to reduce logistics emissionsmore
04.02.2025 – 15:03World Governments SummitDubai to Gather More Than 30 Heads of State and Government, Global Leaders at the World Governments Summit 2025more
04.02.2025 – 13:39Aid by Trade Foundation9The Good Cashmere Standard® (GCS) launched its third model farm in Inner Mongolia, China.Discover our interactive model farm presentation hereOne documentmore
31.01.2025 – 16:59EU4Regions25How culture can strengthen social resilience in the Baltic Sea regionmore
30.01.2025 – 13:20DHL Group2PM: DHL Freight feiert Eröffnung seines neuen Logistik-Terminals in Berlin City / PR: DHL Freight officially inaugurates its new logistics terminal in Berlin2 Documentsmore
30.01.2025 – 11:14hubergroup Deutschland GmbH7Press Release - hubergroup launches Cold Foil Silver and Cold Foil Gold adhesives for FCM applicationsMore about hubergroupOne documentmore
29.01.2025 – 18:09INERATEC GmbHE-Fuel producer INERATEC has received a funding commitment of €70 million from the European Investment Bank and Breakthrough Energy Catalystmore
29.01.2025 – 10:01Koehler GroupWind Power Project to Supply Green Energy Directly to Koehler Paper Site in Oberkirchmore
28.01.2025 – 10:42Progroup AGPresse release: Jürgen Heindl - a pioneer in the corrugated board and paper industry celebrates his 70th birthdayOne documentmore
28.01.2025 – 10:00DHL GroupPM: DHL Express und Cosmo Oil Marketing unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zum Einsatz von Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Japan / PR: DHL Express and Cosmo Oil Marketing sign deal to drive further usage of Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Japanmore
28.01.2025 – 08:23Aid by Trade Foundation9Aid by Trade Foundation Announces New Transparency StandardStay informed about AbTF activitiesOne documentmore