Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
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Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU plan helped to substantially address the investment gap, although its target was not fully met
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EU-plan bidrog væsentligt til at afhjælpe investeringsunderskuddet, men målene blev ikke nået fuldt ud
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU-Plan zur Schließung der Investitionslücke erreicht sein Ziel nicht ganz
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
El plan de la UE contribuyó sustancialmente a colmar el déficit de inversión, aunque no cumplió plenamente su objetivo.
moreKoehler Group Becomes Newest Partner of NXTGN Innovation Platform
Instone Group achieves all full year targets; demand expected to pick up significantly in 2025
One documentmoreGEA at IFFA in Frankurt 2025
2 DocumentsmoreStronger, Lighter, Smarter: The Future of Back Support is Here
morePM: DHL Trade Atlas 2025: Welthandel wächst trotz des politischen Kurswechsels in den USA / PR: Global trade set for growth despite U.S. policy shifts, reveals DHL Trade Atlas 2025
moreHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Happy birthday HEIDELBERG and congratulations on your 175th anniversary!
moreFiscal year 2024: GEA increases order intake, revenue and profitability
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Europäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU pandemic recovery fund checks of public procurement and state aid still not up to scratch
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Silver Follows Suit: Significant Price Increases After Gold Rally / Rising Industrial Demand and Attractive Prices Drive the Market
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Regenerative Cotton Standard®: Impressive Results Following First Harvest in India
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PM: DHL eCommerce eröffnet hochmodernes Paketzentrum in Großbritannien zur Unterstützung des Wachstums im Onlinehandel / PR: DHL eCommerce opens state-of-the-art parcel hub in UK to support growth of online businesses
2 Documentsmore PM: DHL Group und Internationale Organisation für Migration schließen Partnerschaft zur Verbesserung humanitärer Logistik / PR: DHL Group and UN IOM forge global partnership to enhance humanitarian logistics
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PM: DHL 2-Mann-Handling erweitert E-Flotte für letzte Meile / PR: DHL 2-Mann-Handling Expands Electric Fleet for Last Mile Delivery
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Aid by Trade Foundation Announces New Head of Business Development
One documentmore PM: DHL eCommerce expandiert nach Saudi-Arabien durch Beteiligung an Paketlogistiker AJEX / PR: DHL eCommerce enters Saudi Arabian market by acquiring equity stake in parcel logistics company AJEX
2 Documentsmore- 2
PM: DHL und Scania testen E-Lkw mit kraftstoffbetriebenem Stromgenerator für größere Reichweiten / PR: DHL and Scania to test electric truck with fuel-powered range extender
more Infineon teams up with Thailand Science Research and Innovation to drive innovation ecosystem in Thailand
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GEA introduces serviceable tank cleaners for more sustainable operations
One documentmore WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Financial Times Ranking: WHU Offers Germany’s Best Full-Time MBA Program
Thuringia’s Minister for Education, Science, and Culture Christian Tischner (CDU) Visits Koehler Paper’s Greiz Mill
moreElon Musk talks ‘tech support’ governance as world leaders champion innovation-driven reforms at Dubai summit
moreEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
Prompt EU action helped member states to take care of refugees from Ukraine
morePM: Alexion und DHL Express setzen in Irland auf SAF für internationale Luftfrachtlieferung von Medikamenten / PR: Alexion and DHL Express Join Forces in Ireland’s First 100% Switch to SAF for International Air Delivery of Medicines
moreHeidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
HEIDELBERG sees clear increase in profitability in third quarter of financial year 2024/2025
morePasta Packed in Paper: IRIS Bio and Koehler Paper Offer Recyclable Packaging Alternative