Stories about Wirtschaft
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Press release: PreZero Launches Online Tool for Evaluating Packaging
One documentmorePM: Spatenstich in Berlin-Marienfelde: DHL Freight plant nachhaltiges Terminal an der Buckower Chaussee / PR: Ground-breaking ceremony in Berlin: DHL Freight plans sustainable terminal near the inner city
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New fryingsolution from GEA sets new standards
One documentmore Press Release: Instone continues its very solid performance in a still challenging environment; outlook for 2023 confirmed
One documentmorePress release: First Lady of the United States visits Aurubis Richmond, the first secondary smelter for complex recycling materials in North America
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PM: DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld / PR: DHL Group meets market expectations in Q3 2023 and proves financial strength in weak global environment
DHL Group erfüllt Markterwartungen im dritten Quartal 2023 und zeigt Finanzkraft in einem schwachen globalen Umfeld - Konzernumsatz liegt im dritten Quartal bei 19,4 Milliarden Euro - Operatives Ergebnis beläuft sich auf 1,4 Milliarden Euro - ...
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PR | AbTF Establishes New Regenerative Cotton Standard
One documentmore Press release: EcoVadis ranks Aurubis among the top one percent in its sector again
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Reflecting on a successful Pharma Forum 2023
One documentmore E-Project at Frankfurt Airport Using Charging Infrastructure Bidirectionally
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GEA helps breweries to harness sustainability KPIs through AI
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PM: DHL erwirbt alle verbleibenden Anteile an Danzas AEI Emirates um seine Position als führender Logistikanbieter in den GCC-Märkten weiter zu stärken / PR: DHL to acquire all remaining shares in Danzas AEI Emirates to further strengthen its positio
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CmiA Remote Sensing Project for African Cotton
2 Documentsmore PM: Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group / PR: Acquisition approved: Turkish parcel delivery provider MNG Kargo is now part of DHL Group
Akquisition genehmigt: Türkischer Paketdienstleiser MNG Kargo jetzt Teil von DHL Group - Mit Erhalt der behördlichen Genehmigung vollzieht DHL Group die Übernahme von MNG Kargo zum 5. Oktober - Die Integration wird unter der Führung von DHL ...
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METALL+PLASTIC GmbH under new name OPTIMA pharma containment GmbH
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Press release: Aurubis continues to expand its pioneering role in certified metal production through the Copper Mark
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PM: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95 Prozent der Online-Kunden brechen Kauf ab, wenn die Zustelloption nicht passt / PR: DHL Online Shopper Survey: 95% of online shoppers abandon a purchase if their preferred delivery option is not available
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A Broad Range of Advanced Recycling Technologies Keeps Carbon in the Loop
2 Documentsmore Press release - Aurubis AG: Extraordinary inventory completed and new forecast for 2022/23 fiscal year
One documentmoreInnovations in the LAMILUX World
One documentmoreA Pillar of the Koehler Group for 25 Years: Koehler Paper Site in Greiz, Thuringia That Produces High-Quality Recycled Paper Celebrates Its Success Story
One documentmorePress Release: Joint venture Brembo SGL Carbon Ceramic Brakes (BSCCB) to expand production capacity in Germany and Italy
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PRESS RELEASE: eROCKIT Impresses at ICNC23 with Cutting-Edge Technology and Plans for Expansion
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PM: LEJ CAMPUS am DHL Drehkreuz Leipzig feierlich eröffnet / PR: LEJ CAMPUS at DHL’s Leipzig hub officially opened
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Press Release - hubergroup presents new solvent-based, food-safe ink series for the Asian market
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Press release: STADA's excellent results in H1 2023 indicate a record annual profit of €1 bn, driven by Consumer Healthcare and Specialty
One documentmore Press Release: Instone continues its very solid performance in a still challenging environment
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Press Release: Bike from the 3D Printer
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OPTIMA Annual Report 2022-2023
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