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Construction starts at new STIHL production facility in Romania
mehr STIHL plans additional growth despite challenging fiscal year
mehrSTIHL honors best suppliers in 2022 and recognizes sustainability suppliers for the first time
mehrSTIHL cuts carbon emissions and publishes 2022 Sustainability Report
mehrSTIHL sets revenue record and focuses on dual technological leadership
STIHL to increase depth of production with planned takeover of muffler manufacturer COSMOS
mehrSTIHL opens new subsidiary in Kenya and celebrates 25th anniversary in South Africa
mehrSTIHL sets up new production site for electric and battery-operated products in Romania
STIHL publishes its first sustainability report
mehr- 2
Record-breaking 2021: STIHL generates over 5 billion euros in revenue
mehr STIHL profits from major investments in new products
Waiblingen (ots) - In the first eight months of this year the STIHL Group achieved a turnover of EUR 1,968 million, which represents growth of 7.9 percent (4.5 percent had currency exchange rates remained unchanged). "In spite of the weakening world economy, uncertainty caused by the eurozone debt crisis and unfavorable weather conditions, we have recorded satisfactory growth this year. In the past few years we invested ...
STIHL grows 16 percent and achieves record turnover
Waiblingen (ots) - The STIHL Group upped its turnover 16 percent in 2010 to EUR 2.363 billion (10.1 percent, had currency exchange rates remained unchanged). The growth is due to higher unit sales. The company was able to increase its equity ratio slightly to 66.7 percent. STIHL executive board chairman Dr. Bertram Kandziora pointed out at the company's press conference: "We have not only coped with the world economic ...