dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
- Medien:
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- Zeitraum:Gesamt
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Senior managers for the European Newsroom - Christian Röwekamp appointed Editorial Director
mehr dpa mourns the death of Anas Alkharboutli
mehrAP, dpa to launch new Arabic news service
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Daniel Schöningh elected as new chairman of the dpa supervisory board - David Brandstätter steps down from the board
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dpa group continues on growth path in 2023 financial year - 75 years of independent agency journalism
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Kick-off for "Think Twice" project: video tips against disinformation online
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dpa publishes first sustainability report - mobility biggest source of CO2
mehr dpa strengthens tech coverage from the US
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Astrid Maier strengthens dpa editorial board as strategy boss
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Sven Thölen of RADIO NRW elected as new member of the dpa Supervisory Board
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Financial results 2022: dpa group remains on a growth path
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Fact checks in a new format - dpa launches international alliance against disinformation about Ukraine
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"Facts against fakes": New website tackles internet disinformation
mehr New dual leadership at dpa's English Service: Managing Editor Helen Maguire additionally becomes Product Manager, Robin Powell becomes Team Leader
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Inspiration, role model, getting to have a say: What makes influencers so successful among young people - and what journalism can learn from them
mehr Fact-checkers in Germany and Austria launch alliance against disinformation
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European news agencies reinforce Brussels reporting with the launch of the European newsroom
Herbert Dachs and Frank Mahlberg are new members of the dpa Supervisory Board
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dpa group continues on growth path / New newsroom for central editorial office in the coming year
mehr News offerings for Generation Z: #UseTheNews playbook published by dpa, BDZV, and HAW Hamburg
mehrChanges on the dpa supervisory board
mehrDespite coronavirus crisis: dpa slightly increases revenue and profit
mehr#UseTheNews study: Young people often feel that journalistic news lacks a connection to the reality of their own lives
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dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli honoured at Sony World Photography Awards and Pictures of the Year Asia
mehr Arrested dpa journalist Robert Bociaga deported from Myanmar
Berlin (ots) - Robert Bociaga, a Polish journalist arrested in Myanmar on March 11, has been freed. Bociaga had been working in Myanmar principally for the German Press Agency dpa. The 30-year old was due to land in Poland on Friday, dpa said. Bociaga was arrested in the city of Taunggyi while trying to report about the protests after the military coup in the South-East Asian country. Local media reported that he had been ...
mehrAnsgar Haase to head dpa Brussels bureau / Verena Schmitt-Roschmann to become special correspondent in Berlin
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dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli receives Pictures of the Year International prize
mehr Helen Maguire new head of dpa’s English service
mehrThe dpa's English Service to be restructured
Berlin (ots) - The Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) is restructuring its English Service. For dpa international this means that, in future, it will not only offer coverage from its own reporters, but will also increasingly include content from partners who share the dpa's quality standards. For several years now, clients have had the option of receiving additional content from the Tribune News Service that includes news and ...