ots Ad hoc-Service: Allgeier Computer AG <DE0005086300> Allgeier surpasses revised forecast Restructuring measures are taking effect
Bremen (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Allgeier Computer AG has surpassed its forecast figures for the business year 2000 which had been revised in October 2000. According to preliminary figures, the IT company shows better results than expected, both in the field of turnover with 9.7 million Euro (forecast: 9.2 million Euro) and in the field of earnings before taxes (EBT) with -2.2 million Euro (forecast: -2.55 million Euro). These earnings include nonrecurring extraordinary expenses in the amount of 845,000 Euro incurring, among other things, for the restructuring program which has meanwhile been launched.
Allgeier plans to further strengthen those areas where the company's competence and competitiveness are greatest - firstly, in the market for integrated system solutions (ERP) and, secondly, in the market for Document Management Systems (DMS). As forecasted in October 2000, both areas will provide for considerable growth in the business year 2001. For the following year as well, the Board of Directors expects a clearly positive development of sales and earnings in these two areas.
For further questions: Hubert Rohrer Member of the Board Hans-Bredow-Straße 60 D-28307 Bremen, Germany Phone: +49 (0)421-43841212 e-mail: hrohr@allgeier.com
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