ots Ad hoc-Service: splendid medien AG <DE0007279507> Splendid Medien further expands its video for sale /DVD division
Cologne/Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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- Takeover of Polyband Gesellschaft für Bild- und Tonträger mbH & Co. Betriebs KG, Munich - Expansion of the Splendid library to include 300 video/DVD licence rights
With effect from 1 September 2000, Splendid Medien AG of Cologne acquired a 100 percent share of Polyband Gesellschaft für Bild- und Tonträger mbH & Co. Betriebs KG, Munich. Polyband markets videos and DVDs for sale in Germany and German-speaking European countries. The library comprises 300 available titles, including 150 predominantly German and American feature films, 80 children's films/animated films and 70 special interest titles (documentaries, sport videos). It has been agreed that the acquisition price will remain confidential.
The Polyband takeover enables Splendid to further boost its film assets, to expand its library and, in particular, to expand DVD rights, which have a very promising future outlook. Polyband's sales will reinforce Splendid's Video/DVD division, which generated turnover of DM 13.1 million for Splendid in 1999.
Further information is available from: www.splendid-medien.de or from the following contact:
Splendid Medien AG, Karin Opgenoorth, Alsdorfer Str. 3, 50933 Köln Tel.: +49 221-95 42 32 99, Fax: +49 221-95 42 32 8, e-mail: karin.opgenoorth@splendid-medien.de
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original-Content von: splendid medien AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell