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Goldi Green Technologies Pvt Ltd

Goldi Green is a solar PV module manufacturing company based in Surat, Gujarat state - India. With a 500MW annual capacity, the company is gearing up to increase its capacity to 1GW in a short time.

Surat (ots)

Having an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & OHSAS 18001:2007 certification, Goldi Green manufactures PV modules in a state - of - the art, dust free and fully automated facility.

Promoters: Goldi Green is promoted by the Dholakiya family who are also owners of the $1.2 Billion diamond manufacturing conglomerate, SRK Exports.

Mission: Implementing technological innovation as a driving force to resolve global energy challenges by delivering energy to all in an efficient manner and at an affordable cost.

Vision: Developing backward integration capacities through the entire solar cell manufacturing process, setting up manufacturing facilities for solar energy storage systems and being leading developers of solar power parks with a focus on delivering quality along with creating value in a sustainable manner.

Having an agility to adapt to change, and always staying ahead of the technology curve, the company has continuously come up with new products surpassing the expectations of its valued customers. Goldi Green is the first Indian company to be independently audited by SOLARBUYER, USA and one of the few global companies to have 4mm glass certification.

Offering the best quality combined with robustness and timely deliveries, Goldi Green has evolved into a global renewable company respected even by its competitors around the world.

We will be displaying our latest products at the Intersolar Europe exhibition in Munich from 20 to 22 June 2018 at A1.633.


Mehul Gogri
Dy.Manager - Corporate Communications
Phone: +91 261 71 999 79
Mob : +91 90339 74410

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