ots Ad hoc-Service: Leica Camera AG <DE0006460009>
Solms/Frankfurt (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Leica Camera AG, Solms/Germany is to sign a contract with Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Osaka/Japan on close technological cooperation in the field of digital applications for lenses. This will cover the joint development and joint production of optical systems for high-end camcorders under the Matsushita brand Panasonic. The contract is a result of negotiations ever since 1998 and the Matsushita Group's long- standing relationship as supplier to Leica Camera AG. The management board of Leica Camera AG approved the final version of the contract ready for signature in its meeting of August 4th, 2000. Products resulting from the cooperation will already make a positive contribution as yet not exactly definable to the financial result of Leica Camera AG in the business year 2000/2001.
For further informations: Leica Camera AG, Gero Furchheim, Tel. + 49 (0) 6442 208-409, Fax + 49 (0) 6442 208-410, E-Mail: Furchheim.cpr@leica-camera.com
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