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Milestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway

Milestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway
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April 4, 2023

Milestone Reached: Lima Airport Inaugurates Second Runway

Lima’s Jorge Chávez International Airport (LIM) in Peru yesterday (April 3) officially opened a new runway and air traffic control tower. The departure of the first commercial flight marked the event. Fraport’s Peruvian Group airport is the country’s first aviation gateway to have two runways.

Fraport CEO Stefan Schulte said: “We’ve once again proven that we can deliver complex infrastructure projects on a narrow time frame. One thing is clear for us: even during these challenging times, we remain committed to our investment in Peru.” The new runway and tower will be commissioned in phases and are to be fully operational by the time the new passenger terminal is completed in 2025.

Fraport’s subsidiary Lima Airport Partners (LAP) has operated the airport in Peru’s capital city since 2001. LIM served about 18.6 million passengers in 2022. After Frankfurt and Antalya, Lima is the third-busiest airport in the Fraport Group by aircraft movements.

Media Contact:

Andreas Schopf
Corporate Communications
Media Relations
Phone +49 69 690-78547