ots Ad hoc-Service: Easy Software AG <DE0005634000> EASY SOFTWARE confirms 2000 sales budget and increases target figures for 2001
Muelheim a.d. Ruhr (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Consolidated sales increased by 72 in the first half-year / Extensive groundwork in the expansion of the international distribution network shows results
For EASY SOFTWARE AG of Muelheim, the first half of 2000 was marked by a considerable increase in sales as well as high investments and intensified international growth both in Europe and overseas. This follows from the company's semi-annual report that was published today.
Based on the half-year results and in view of the expansion of business activities, EASY also announced that its target figures for the year 2001 have been adjusted upwards.
Corporation-wide, the specialist for electronic archiving and document management systems (DMS), traded in the Frankfurt Neuer Markt, achieved a 72 percent increase in sales compared to the same period in the previous year (DEM 34.66 million vs. DEM 20.12 million).
This corporate growth is more than double that of the entire DMS market and corresponds exactly to EASY's internal annual schedule. This schedule emphasizes the second half of the year, as is typical in the software market, and projects the following expected sales for the next two quarters: 3rd quarter - DEM 20.4 million / 4th quarter DEM 29.3 million.
The gross profit of the EASY group improved disproportionately in the first half of 2000 by 83 percent to DEM 32.88 million (DEM 17.95 million in the previous year); this can be attributed mainly to the growing share of the profitable software and service business.
The pre-tax profit from ordinary activities according to IAS comes to DEM 2.54 million within the group. The comparable figure for the previous year, i.e. without proportionate floatation expenses, was DEM 1.36 million.
The development of the core businesses of the German parent company EASY SOFTWARE AG and the EASY subsidiary ScanOptic Gesellschaft für Scanner- und optische Speichertechnologie mbH in Muelheim proved especially satisfactory. Considerable investments were made in the foreign market sector to promote internationalization and open up new markets, as was already described during the company's press and analyst conference in the spring.
These planned special investments have also shaped the DVFA/SG result which shows a consolidated semi-annual surplus of DEM 840k, or DEM 0.16 (EURO 0.08) per share. Adjusted for the high foreign investments in France, the UK and the USA, the result would lie at DEM 0.54 (EURO 0.27) per share, compared to DEM 0.36 (EURO 0.18) in the first six-month period of 1999.
This development of results is congruent with the company's internal annual schedule. For the second half of the year, the forecast expects the following cumulative yields: EURO 0.20 per share by 9/30 and EURO 0.76 per share by 12/31.
Considering the business development of the American, British and French foreign subsidiaries, it is expected that they, too, will make positive contributions to the overall sales revenue as early as this year.
The personnel expenses - including social security contributions - increased to 15.58 million DEM (1999: 7.48 million DEM) for the entire group. All in all, the workforce of the EASY group consisted of 327 employees (139 in the previous year) as of June 30, 2000.
Based on the results that were achieved during the first six-month period, and in view of the usually strong second half of the year, the company's Board of Directors saw their current schedule for the year 2000 confirmed. This schedule expects sales proceeds of DEM 84 million and a yield per share of EURO 0.76; these target figures for 2000 do not yet include the new business areas EASY SOLUTIONS and "myEASY.de".
For the 2001 business year, EASY SOFTWARE has announced an upward adjustment of the corporate sales target figures from previously DEM 124 million to DEM 140 million, and a projected increase of profits from EURO 1.30 per share to EURO 1.37 per share.
These numbers include the new consulting and direct business of EASY SOLUTIONS, the new Austrian EASY SOFTWARE company in Vienna, and also the future Internet activities of "myEASY.de" as an Application Service Provider.
The Board of Directors EASY SOFTWARE AG Investor Relations Eppinghofer Straße 50 D-45468Muelheim
Tel. ++49(0)208-45016-140 Fax:++49(0)208-45016-108
E-mail: information@easy.de
EASY SOFTWARE Kornzer, Mühlheim a.d. Ruhr Unternehmensdaten auf einen Blick (IAS) in TDM Key figures ofthe group (IAS) in TDM
1. Halbjahr 30.6.00 30.6.99 Veränderung / Change in %
Umsatzerlöse 34.660 20.123 + 72% Sales revenues Gesamtleistung 39.925 22.139 + 80% Total turnover Rohergebnis 32.883 17.950 + 83% Gross Profit Betriebsergebnis-EBIT 2.430 1.344 + 81% Operating results Vorsteuerergebnis EBET 2.544 1.358 + 87% Profit from ordinary activ. Periodenüberschuß 840 1.855 - 55% Net income DVFA/SG Gewinn je Aktie 0,16/0,08 0,36/0,18 - 55% Earnings per share (DM/EURO)
Personalaufwand 15.578 7.478 +108% Personnel expenses Anzahl Mitarbeiter 30.6 327 139 +135% Number of employees
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