United Labels AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: United Labels AG <DE0005489561> United Labels signs up "Bear in the Big Blue House"

24.07.2000 – 13:04

Münster (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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Estimated revenues of DM 12 million by 2002 / Further expansion of
market-leading position for comic products under licence
United Labels, Europe's specialist within
the area of comicware merchandising, has signed up another media
star: Bear in the Big Blue House. Jim Henson, also known as the
father of Sesame Street, is responsible for creating and producing
the well-known US series. United Labels expects to generate revenues
of DM 12 million by 2002, with an array of products ranging from
drinking glasses to T-shirts bearing the motif of the lovable TV
character. Merchandising activities will span the whole of Europe.
The licensor is EM.TV & Merchandising AG, Unterföhring, Germany.
"Bear in the Big Blue House" has had a fixed slot on US family
television since 1997. The character of the series, which has also
achieved success in Australia, the UK, Italy, Ireland and
Scandinavia, has already received numerous awards in the US. In
Germany, "Bär im großen blauen Haus" as it is known there, was
launched at the beginning of 2000 and features in TV programmes,
magazines and videos as well as on audio cassettes. The series has
already captured a market share of 51.4 per cent among the target
group of 3 to 13-year- olds.
For further information (press releases) as well as photographs
and logos, please visit the United Labels website at
www.unitedlabels.com or contact one of the following members of
Karsten Gödde Holger Pentz CFO Leiter Tel.:+49 (0)251-3221-
IR/Controlling 400 Tel.:+49 (0)251- Fax.:+49 (0)251-3221- 3221-405
950 Fax.:+49 (0)251- e-mail: 3221-960 kgoedde@unitedlabels e-mail:
.com hpentz@unitedlabels .com
Internet : http://recherche.newsaktuell.de

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