Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: Eckert & Ziegler AG <DE0005659700> Eckert & Ziegler to Acquire Medical Robot Product Line from Medtronic

03.08.2000 – 08:05

Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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jojumarie Intelligente Instrumente
GmbH, a subsidiary of Neuer Markt listed Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen-
und Medizintechnik AG (WKN 565970) will acquire, for approximately
one million Euro, the SurgiScope medical robot product line from
Medtronic Surgical Navigation Technologies (Colorado, USA) and with
it the rights to one of the world's first and most frequently
installed ceiling-mounted medical robot. The agreement between both
companies also covers a cooperation in the servicing, development,
and sale of robotic products. The acquisition of the assets will be
accompanied by the transfer of a service and development group
located in Grenoble, France.
"The acquisition of the SurgiScope product line brings an
experienced service and development team to jojumarie and service
contacts to some of the most respected clinics in Europe, Asia, and
the United States", explained Prof. Dr. Tim Lueth, founder and
general manager of jojumarie GmbH. "The transaction will therefore
provide us with a first class infrastructure platform for further
product launches. Among the new products will be a SurgiScope
attachment suitable of performing various surgical operations and a
positioning system for brachytherapy applications. For the
development and manufacture of these products jojumarie GmbH recently
opened a new facility in Berlin-Wedding".
jojumarie Intelligente GmbH has been founded in 1999 as a joint-
venture between Eckert & Ziegler AG, Tim Lueth and Jürgen Bier for,
among others, the development of navigated instruments for
brachytherapy applications. Eckert & Ziegler AG currently holds 80%
of the company stock, but will reduce its quota in favour of its
partner with the expansion of the company. The acquisition of the
SurgiScope medical robot product line is expected to result in 2000
in additional Eckert & Ziegler revenues of approximately 1.2 million
Euro and an earning contribution of about 0.4 million Euro.
The Board of Directors For further information please contact: Dr.
Andreas Eckert CEO and President Eckert & Ziegler AG
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10 D-13125 Berlin Tel.: (+ 49 30) 94 10 84 - 0
Fax: (+ 49 30) 94 10 84 - 112

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