Storys aus Brussels

  • 01.02.2024 – 11:00

    Technische Universität München

    Climate change: Fungal disease endangers wheat production

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Wheat blast spread under climate change modeled for the first time Climate change: Fungal disease endangers wheat production • Global wheat production to fall by up to 13% due to fungal disease wheat blast • Tropical regions in South America, Africa and Asia affected in particular • Yield losses further exacerbate food insecurity in the affected regions Climate change ...

  • 06.12.2023 – 08:02

    Technische Universität München

    Trustworthy AI: TUM participates in global, open-source AI Alliance

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Developing responsible and trustworthy AI TUM participates in global, open-source AI Alliance - Contribution to the social acceptance of artificial intelligence - Initiated by IBM and Meta; more than 435 partners on board - Dynamic exchange of data and resources between researchers and industry Powerful artificial intelligence (AI) as open source: This is the core objective of ...

  • 05.12.2023 – 15:14

    Technische Universität München

    Artificial hand: AI makes gripping more intuitive

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Advanced control of prothetic hands Artificial intelligence makes gripping more intuitive - Modern prostheses offer access to multiple grip patterns, which can be controlled by detecting muscle activity from the residual forearm. - The novel method, based on human motor control principles and artificial intelligence, uses films with up to 128 sensors on the forearm. - Current ...

  • 23.11.2023 – 15:12

    Technische Universität München

    TUM at number 13 in Global Employability Ranking

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM graduates in demand all over the world Number 13 in Employability Ranking Graduates of TUM are keenly sought in the international job market. This is seen yet again in the new Global University Employability Ranking. In the latest edition, TUM is 13th worldwide and is number four in Europe behind the universities in Cambridge and Oxford and Imperial College London. The ...

  • 14.11.2023 – 12:22

    Technische Universität München

    GyroTrainer with AI: Individual back training machine developed

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE GyroTrainer with artificial intelligence Individual back training machine developed - 18 percent of reported sick leave relates to musculoskeletal ailments, in particular back-related disorders. - The GyroTrainer is an intelligent training device that resembles a balance board. - It uses artificial intelligence to adjust the difficulty level to the individual patient’s ...

  • 05.05.2022 – 16:24

    Technische Universität München

    Augmented reality can impede the optimization of production

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: NEWS RELEASE Augmented reality can impede the optimization of production Employees with AR glasses work faster but do not fully internalize tasks Production workers instructed with augmented reality glasses can work much faster than colleagues instructed with analog methods. However, an ...

  • 06.04.2022 – 12:26

    Technische Universität München

    QS Rankings: TUM among top 25 in five subjects

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE TUM among top 25 in five subjects New issue of QS World University Rankings The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is among the world’s 25 best universities in five subjects and among the top ...

  • 18.03.2022 – 17:26

    Technische Universität München

    EU funding in medicine and biotechnology

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE EU funding in medicine and biotechnology TUM scientists receive three new ERC Grants Deep learning algorithms to diagnose back pain, artificial enzymes for energy conversion facilities and a ...

  • 25.11.2021 – 11:13

    Technische Universität München

    Spicy breast milk? - Spicy substance from pepper gets into breast milk after eating

    Corporate Communications Center phone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Spicy breast milk? Spicy substance from pepper gets into breast milk after eating In part of a recent human study led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), it was found ...

  • 24.11.2021 – 12:59

    Technische Universität München

    Employability Ranking: Companies confirm optimal quality of degree programs

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE Companies confirm optimal quality of degree programs TUM takes 13th spot in the Global University Employability Ranking Graduates of the ...

  • 16.11.2021 – 13:54

    Technische Universität München

    Twelve TUM scientists among the most cited researchers worldwide

    TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICHCorporate Communications Center phone: +49 89 289 22798 - email: - web: This text on the web: NEWS RELEASE The most cited researchers worldwide Twelve TUM scientists included in Highly Cited Researchers rankings Twelve researchers at TUM are among the world's most cited scientists. Their names can be ...