Storys aus Nagoya
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Technische Universität München
Robotics and AI at the automatica: practical insights into leading-edge research
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH PRESS RELEASE Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume opens munich_i Robotics and AI: practical insights into leading-edge research - More than 30 new demonstrations on view at the AI.Society exhibition - Leading experts in robotics and AI to meet at the Hightech Summit. - Third Robothon prize for talented young robotics researchers to be ...
mehrTechnische Universität München
Cheops pyramid: new chamber in world wonder confirmed
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE TUM researchers confirm assumed chamber Important find in the Cheops pyramid of Gizeh - New chamber discovered in largest of the Egyptian pyramids - Munich researchers verify long-held assumption - Function and purpose of the chamber now to be investigated An international research team has discovered a previously unknown chamber in the Cheops pyramid of Gizeh. As early as 2016 ...