Storys zum Thema Diesel
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- 2mehr
PM: DHL Group und Neste vertiefen Zusammenarbeit zur Senkung von Emissionen in der Logistik / PR: DHL Group and Neste to tighten collaboration to reduce logistics emissions
mehrE-Fuel producer INERATEC has received a funding commitment of €70 million from the European Investment Bank and Breakthrough Energy Catalyst
mehrMore sustainable fuels: GEA wins first customer for Pre2Fuel process
2 DokumentemehrExpert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry
mehrObrist Group proposes “intelligent use of combustion engines instead of a general ban”
Obrist Group recommends e-cars with range extender
mehrObrist invents 'Champagne Engine': A Two-Stroker with Smoother Operation Than a Twelve-Cylinder
mehrAston Martin Lagonda of Europe GmbH
mehrObrist HyperHybrid: Concept for electric cars that are refueled, not charged, is ready for production
Obrist HyperHybrid: Concept for electric cars that are refueled, not charged, is ready for production - HyperHybrid: Drive with an electric motor, but refuel like a combustion engine - Inventor and CEO Frank Obrist: "HyperHybrid provides European car manufacturers with a unique selling point compared to competitors ...
mehrObrist Group experiences "brisk demand" for methanol production plants
mehrFrank Obrist: Jean Putz's new book is a "blueprint for a global methanol economy"
Diplomatic Council - Diplomatischer Rat
COP28: Jean Putz argues for green methanol as a global energy source
mehrTechnische Universität München
E-tractors: New modular development kit for
TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH NEWS RELEASE Research on the electrification of agricultural machinery New modular development kit for e-tractors - TUM presents modular electric tractor kit at Agritechnica - Modular format for various uses - Replaceable battery can also be used in the field and barnyard to store electricity The special requirements placed on trucks and agricultural machinery often make it difficult for ...
mehrClimate neutrality for cars needs a holistic approach
Vienna (ots) - The near 1.5 billion liters of fossil fuels used daily worldwide must be replaced by carbon-neutral fuels by 2050 if we are to achieve the climate goals. More than 1,000 experts at the 44th International Motor Symposium in Vienna discussed the global strategies required to achieve these targets. The potential for producing renewable energy is particularly great in regions such as North Africa, the Middle ...
mehrPM: DHL reduziert die CO2-Emissionen für Formel-1-Fracht um durchschnittlich 83 Prozent / PR: DHL reduces Formula 1® cargo carbon emissions by an average of 83%
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Brose innovation in series production: increasing demand for 800-volt climate compressors
mehr The future of road freight transport is electric
Press release Freiburg/Berlin, 29 August 2023 The future of road freight transport is electric The availability of a broad-scale and well-performing charging network by 2035 offers potential to increase new registrations of battery electric trucks to 100 per cent. The key entry point for ensuring the market success of zero-emission drive technologies is ...
Ein Dokumentmehr
PM: DHL unternimmt nächste Schritte in der grünen Logistik für die Formel 1® mit Einführung einer ersten Lkw-Flotte, die durch Biokraftstoff den CO2-Fußabdruck reduziert / PR: DHL takes green logistics to the next level with Formula 1® launching a
2 DokumentemehrPress release: SAACKE receives essential approval for methanol marine boiler systems
Ein Dokumentmehr- 3
Analysis - The diesel truck runs on hydrogen too
Ein Dokumentmehr - 2
PRESS RELEASE: cellcentric and MAHLE cooperate in the supply of fuel cell components
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PRESS RELEASE: MAHLE is focusing increasingly on renewable energy
mehr PRESS RELEASE: German Innovation Award for MAHLE
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PRESS RELEASE: MAHLE invests in photovoltaic start-up
mehr PRESS RELEASE: MAHLE becomes first supplier to support EV battery diagnostics by independent workshops
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PRESS RELEASE: CEO Matthias Arleth to leave MAHLE at the end of April
mehr PRESS RELEASE: Good Design Award for MAHLE Annual Report
mehrTechnische Universität München
Fuel from waste wood: Possibility to produce ethanol on a financially competitive and technically efficient basis
Corporate Communications Centerphone: +49 8161 5403 - email: - web: This text on the web: High resolution image: NEWS RELEASE Fuel from waste wood Possibility to produce ethanol on a ...
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PRESS RELEASE: MAHLE plants in Germany CO2 neutral