Storys zum Thema Insulin
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Rising Focus on 'Inceptor' as a Type 2 Diabetes Therapeutic Target
mehrUnderstanding the Role of GIP in Managing Diabetes and Obesity
The increasing amount of patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes benefit greatly from the recently developed GIPR:GLP-1R co-agonists. These novel compounds lead to substantial weight loss, offering a revolutionary approach to patients worldwide. Although the hormone glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) was already shown by Helmholtz Munich scientists to decrease body weight via the brain GIP receptor, the ...
mehrUnraveling the Mode of Action of Tirzepatide
Tirzepatide is a recently approved treatment for type-2 diabetes. Treatment with tirzepatide decreases body weight while improving glucose metabolism in patients with obesity and type-2 diabetes. Although the drug is designed to activate receptors for glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), the contribution of activating the GIP receptor in the overall efficacy of ...
mehrType 1 diabetes: New findings on the development of the autoimmune disease in children
mehr- 2
Beta cells from stem cells: Potential for cell replacement therapy