Storys zum Thema Klimaveränderung
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“Best CO₂ Utilisation 2025”: Celebrating Pioneering Innovation in Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies
Ein Dokumentmehr The Obrist Group Proposes a Baseload-capable and Sustainable Energy Concept for Europe
mehr“Add Better” labels. for NexGen Tablet Press® 45
mehrBiomass instead of coal: Koehler Group christens its decarbonized combined heat and power plant
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Advanced Recycling Conference 2025 – Shaping the Future of the Circular Economy
Ein Dokumentmehr
Milan (ots/PRNewswire) - - NextChem Tech will provide engineering and technology solutions to improve energy efficiency and carbon footprint of the Sulfur Recovery Complex at SATORP's refinery - This agreement strengthens the relationship with SATORP and the Group's presence in the region MAIRE (MI: MAIRE) announces ...
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High-temperature heat pump for Südzucker subsidiary Tiense Suiker
mehr Electrochaea Partners with Hitachi to Bring Synthetic Methane to Japan
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GEA introduces serviceable tank cleaners for more sustainable operations
Ein Dokumentmehr WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management
Financial Times Ranking: WHU Offers Germany’s Best Full-Time MBA Program
mehrPM: Alexion und DHL Express setzen in Irland auf SAF für internationale Luftfrachtlieferung von Medikamenten / PR: Alexion and DHL Express Join Forces in Ireland’s First 100% Switch to SAF for International Air Delivery of Medicines
GEA again makes CDP’s A list: top rating for climate action
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CO₂ Revolution 2025: Fueling the Future, Capturing Possibilities
Ein Dokumentmehr PM: DHL Group und Neste vertiefen Zusammenarbeit zur Senkung von Emissionen in der Logistik / PR: DHL Group and Neste to tighten collaboration to reduce logistics emissions
mehrE-Fuel producer INERATEC has received a funding commitment of €70 million from the European Investment Bank and Breakthrough Energy Catalyst
mehrWind Power Project to Supply Green Energy Directly to Koehler Paper Site in Oberkirch
mehrPM: DHL Express und Cosmo Oil Marketing unterzeichnen Vereinbarung zum Einsatz von Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Japan / PR: DHL Express and Cosmo Oil Marketing sign deal to drive further usage of Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Japan
More sustainable fuels: GEA wins first customer for Pre2Fuel process
2 DokumentemehrBundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V.
Press Invitation – 11th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, March 18–19, 2025
Press Invitation 11th Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue March 18–19, 2025 | Federal Foreign Office Dear member of the media, Around the world, political ambition to accelerate climate action and to transform our energy systems is advancing: we are seeing record growth in sustainable energy sources, which are projected to surpass coal as the largest source of ...
mehrExpert Calls for Political Focus on Rescuing the Automotive Industry
mehrEuropäischer Rechnungshof - European Court of Auditors
EU city-dwellers still suffer from air and noise pollution
mehrPress release: Symbolic start of industrial heat feed-in to Hamburg city network
Ein DokumentmehrCatella Investment Management acquires from Instone Real Estate 35 new-build apartments in Bamberg, northern Bavaria for an individual mandate
Ein Dokumentmehr
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Transforming CO₂ into Opportunities: The CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025
Ein Dokumentmehr Obrist Anticipates a Pivotal Shift Towards "Liquid Solar Energy" in 2025
mehrClimate neutrality: The OECD and EU countries best equipped to lead the way
Gütersloh (ots) - How determined are OECD and EU countries in pursuing the goal of climate neutrality by 2050? A recent monitoring report by the Bertelsmann Stiftung reveals that Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Spain are setting the pace with their effective policy strategies. In contrast, Canada, Australia, Israel, Poland and Hungary need to significantly ramp up their ...
mehrInfosys Collaborates with RheinEnergie to help Enterprises Drive their Energy Transition and Sustainability Agenda
Bengaluru, India (ots/PRNewswire) - Leveraging Infosys Cobalt and Infosys Topaz, the collaboration will help enterprises boost energy efficiency by up to 30–40% while meeting decarbonization goals Infosys (NSE: INFY), (BSE: INFY), (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, ...
mehrTest Run of New Biomass Power Plant Running Full Speed Ahead
mehrObrist Group: Methanol as the Ideal Fossil Fuel Replacement for Key Industries