Storys zum Thema MDAX
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- 10mehr
Gerresheimer expands capacities for Medical Systems in the USA
mehr- 2
Gerresheimer partners with RxCap to offer connected adherence solutions
mehr Gerresheimer awarded EcoVadis Gold status again
Duesseldorf (ots) - - Gerresheimer among the top 5% of assessed businesses - Total score increases to 72/100 points - Status demonstrates consistent implementation of CSR strategy Gerresheimer, an innovative provider of systems and solutions and a global partner for the pharma, biotech, and cosmetic industries, has once again been awarded Gold status by the ratings agency EcoVadis. EcoVadis assesses the performance of ...
mehrGerresheimer at CPHI: focus on high-value solutions and sustainability
Duesseldorf (ots) - - Gerresheimer presents an extensive portfolio of containment solutions, drug delivery systems and digital therapy support - High-quality ready-to-fill solutions for biopharmaceuticals, cell and gene therapy - EcoDesign and environmentally friendly packaging options ensure greater sustainability Gerresheimer, an innovative system and solution ...
mehrFraport Group’s Business Performance Improves Noticeably in the First Quarter of 2023
Frankfurt/Main, Germany (ots) - Operating result (EBITDA) more than doubles to €158.3 million – Full-year outlook confirmed – CEO Schulte: We’re heading in the right direction. Business boosted by passenger recovery in the first quarter Fraport successfully started the new 2023 business year, ...
Ein Dokumentmehr
Gerresheimer with a good start to 2023 financial year: Again double-digit growth in revenues and Adjusted EBITDA
Düsseldorf (ots) - - First-quarter revenues grew organically by 21.0% - Adjusted EBITDA up organically by 24.8% - Gerresheimer confirms guidance for financial year 2023 Gerresheimer AG, a leading provider of healthcare & beauty solutions and drug ...
Ein DokumentmehrFielmann Family donates 3 million protective masks to German federal states / Private donation to the federal state governments of Brandenburg, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein
Hamburg (ots) - Fielmann has acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus pandemic spread across Europe. On the basis of a scientific study by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Martin Exner (University Hospital Bonn), the company has defined hygiene standards that counter the infection risks of COVID-19. According to these ...
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Fielmann starts producing protective glasses
mehr Fielmann drives international expansion, enters Slovenian market / Acquisition of Slovenian market leader Optika Clarus part of Vision 2025
Hamburg (ots) - Fielmann AG acquires a 70% equity ownership stake in Optika Clarus, thereby adding the 14th European market in which the Group operates stores. The transaction is effective as of September 1, 2019. Both parties agreed to keep the financial terms of the transaction confidential. With 26 optical stores ...
mehrGenerational Succession at Fielmann in final phase / Günther Fielmann delegates responsibility to Marc Fielmann
mehrFielmann Announces Multi-Million Investment in Augmented Reality Leader FittingBox
Hamburg (ots) - Fielmann Ventures GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fielmann AG, announced on November 27th that it has subscribed to a capital increase for a 20% equity ownership stake in FittingBox S.A., the world leader in 3D Try-On solutions dedicated to eyewear. This investment is a decisive step in Fielmann's digitization strategy. Both parties agreed to keep ...
Aareal Bank Group continues its successful performance in the second quarter of 2013
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Second-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 45 million - Net interest income rose to EUR 126 million, confirming the turnaround seen in the first quarter - New business in the Structured Property Financing segment grew to EUR 2.4 billion - twice the amount reported for the same quarter last year - Aareal Bank affirms its consolidated ...
mehrAareal Bank Group posts a successful start to the 2013 financial year
Wiesbaden (ots) - - First-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 47 million - Strong capitalisation - very solid liquidity situation - Forecasts affirmed for the full year 2013 Aareal Bank Group had a successful start into the 2013 financial year, performing very well in a slightly improved - yet still challenging - market environment. At EUR 47 million, ...
mehrConsortium lead-managed by Aareal Bank refinances a loan of EUR 650 million for commercial property portfolio in Poland
Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank has refinanced a loan of EUR 650 million in Poland for a commercial property portfolio together with Helaba, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG, Hypothekenbank Frankfurt AG, Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. (member of the Santander Group) and Bank Pekao S.A. The borrowers are various special-purpose ...
mehrDagmar Knopek appointed as new member of the Management Board of Aareal Bank - Contract of Chief Financial Officer Hermann J. Merkens renewed until 2019
Wiesbaden (ots) - The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG has appointed Dagmar Knopek as a new member of the Aareal Bank AG Management Board with effect from 1 June 2013. She will be responsible for the markets in Aareal Bank's Structured Property Financing segment. In her new function, Knopek will succeed Dirk ...
mehrAareal Bank Group publishes its Annual Report 2012
Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank Group published its Annual Report 2012 today. In addition to information on the bank's business model and its activities in the two business segments, the Annual Report also includes Aareal Bank's audited consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs and the bank's Group Management Report. Based on audited results, consolidated operating profit of EUR 176 million - which is in ...
mehrHans W. Reich will relinquish his duties as Chairman of Aareal Bank AG's Supervisory Board at the end of the General Meeting 2013-Marija Korsch elected as the new Chairperson of the Supervisory Board
Wiesbaden (ots) - Mr Hans W. Reich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG, will retire from the Supervisory Board, prior to the end of his term of office, at the end of this year's General Meeting on 22 May 2013. At its meeting today, the Supervisory Board elected Ms Marija Korsch as its Chairperson, ...
Aareal Bank looks to the future with confidence after a successful 2012 financial year
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Fourth quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 46 million and EUR 176 million for the full year - consolidated net income for 2012: EUR 85 million - At EUR 6.3 billion, new Structured Property Financing business clearly exceeded forecast - Outlook for 2013: Consolidated operating profit expected to match the level of 2012 - potential to reach ...
mehrAareal Bank Group remains on track in the third quarter of 2012
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Third-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 42 million - Core Tier 1 ratio of 11.6 per cent as at 30 September 2012 - Basel III requirements already fulfilled as of today - Aareal Bank affirms guidance for full-year consolidated operating profit Aareal Bank Group has remained on track during the third quarter of 2012, and ...
Ein DokumentmehrAareal Bank Group reports successful business development for the second quarter of 2012
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Consolidated operating profit up slightly year-on-year, to EUR 45 million - Core Tier 1 ratio at 11.7 per cent, providing a solid foundation for the planned expansion of new business during the second half of the year - Aareal Bank affirms guidance for full-year consolidated operating profit Aareal Bank Group once again performed well in a ...
mehrAareal Bank, Allianz, and Helaba complete EUR 650 million loan for CentrO in Oberhausen
Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank, together with Allianz Real Estate and Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen ("Helaba"), provided a loan facility of EUR 650 million secured against "CentrO" in Oberhausen, one of Germany's biggest shopping centres. The financing was provided to a joint venture between the Stadium Group and the Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board who jointly own ...
mehrChange in the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG: Marija Korsch to succeed Wolf R. Thiel
Wiesbaden (ots) - Ms Marija Korsch has been appointed to the Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG, with immediate effect. The Wiesbaden local court (Amtsgericht Wiesbaden) approved an application to this effect, submitted by the Management Board of Aareal Bank AG. Ms Korsch will succeed Mr Wolf R. Thiel, who has retired from the Supervisory Board after having served as ...
mehrCorrection: (Aareal Bank Group posts a solid start into the 2012 financial year)
Wiesbaden (ots) - Correction notice: In the penultimate paragraph of the press release "consolidated net income" has to be replaced by "consolidated operating profit". (Updated Press Release:) ___________________________________________ Aareal Bank Group posts a solid start into the 2012 financial year - ...
Ein Dokumentmehr
Aareal Bank Group posts a solid start into the 2012 financial year
Wiesbaden (ots) - - First-quarter consolidated operating profit of EUR 43 million - Core Tier 1 ratio of 11.6 per cent as at 31 March 2012 - Full-year outlook affirmed Aareal Bank Group retained its positive business development during the first quarter of 2012, in a market environment that continued to be difficult. Consolidated operating profit amounted ...
Ein DokumentmehrSupervisory Board renews the appointment of Management Board members
Wiesbaden (ots) - The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG resolved to renew the appointment of the incumbent Chairman of the Management Board, Dr Wolf Schumacher, and the Member of the Management Board Thomas Ortmanns, prior to the regular end of their terms of office. Their appointment to Aareal Bank's Management Board was extended for another five years, with effect ...
mehrAareal Bank Group publishes 2011 annual report
Wiesbaden (ots) - Aareal Bank Group published its annual report for the 2011 financial year today. In addition to information concerning the Group's business model and its activities in the two business segments, the report also includes the audited consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs, and Aareal Bank's Group Management Report for 2011. According to audited figures, consolidated operating profit ...
mehrAareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research awarded for the fifth time
Wiesbaden (ots) - The Real Estate Management Institute (EBS REMI) of the EBS Business School and Aareal Bank AG have granted for the fifth time the Aareal Award of Excellence in Real Estate Research for academically-outstanding research work in real estate economics. A total of approximately 50 papers for this annual research prize were submitted this year. About half ...
mehrAareal Bank Group posts a marked increase in profits for the 2011 financial year
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Consolidated operating profit up 38 per cent over the previous year to EUR 185 million - consolidated net income more than doubled, to EUR 93 million - Tier 1 ratio at 16.3 per cent and core Tier 1 ratio at 11.3 per cent, as at 31 December 2011 - CEO Dr Wolf Schumacher: "We exploited the opportunities available to us during the year under review, ...
mehrAareal Bank Group remains successfully on track during the third quarter of 2011
Wiesbaden (ots) - - Third-quarter consolidated operating profit up 42 per cent year-on-year, to EUR 47 million - At EUR 138 million, nine-month consolidated operating profit already exceeds the full-year figure for 2010 - Tier 1 ratio at 16.6 per cent - core Tier 1 ratio at 11.5 as at 30 September 2011 ...
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